The Most Delicious Thing To Touch Your Lips

What is the most delicious thing you have ever had the pleasure of allowing past your lips? Hold that image in your head, I want you to remember everything about that moment.

The way it rested upon your tongue, how you swirled it over every single taste bud, the way you greedily anticipated the next morsel.

Did it make your eyes roll back in your head? Did you crave more even though it was gone? Did you return to the place where you first experienced it and indulged in it time and time again?

Now, I want you think of all that, then multiply it by thousand. Can you imagine how that would make you feel, almost orgasmic I would imagine. Your body would shudder, your eyes would close as you savored every single drop of heaven upon your tongue.

No, I’m not talking about food. I am talking about myself. There is nothing on this earth nor beyond that is as delicious as I am.



Written By: Annaliese
Call Annaliese @ 1-888-215-8766




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