It’s All About The Cream


 Do I ever love creamy stuff.  So good! I love how sticky, warm, and wet it feels on my skin.  I love dipping my fingers in it, and sucking it off. I wish my tits were big enough to suck it off my nipples. Oh so yummy!

If I could I would take a bath in the stuff. I would love for 10 men, to spurt it all over my naked little teen body. 

Did I mention how much I love creamy stuff? I would roll all around in it if I could. I would never want to be wasteful so just shoot it right into my hungry mouth, or better yet, right in my hot, wet pussy. 

My bestie loves cream too, so she loves to lick it right out of me. Then she kisses me, because I can never get enough of that creamy stuff.

I know what you’re thinking. That makes you a big ole pervert. I am talking whipped cream from a can. Get your head out of the gutter!

Well, I am just kidding about what kind of cream. I am talking baby batter! You knew that, didn’t you!


Written By: AJ
Call  AJ @ 1-866-935-9411



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