Where should we fuck next?

Wouldn’t you just love to come home and have me on your kitchen table waiting for you. No one else is home. It’s just you and me. I leaned back, elbows behind me, and extended my legs out towards you. I ran one foot up your leg, over your pants gently brushing your cock with my toes. It grew rock hard at my touch. The other leg wrapped around your back side, enticing you to come closer. I watched as your eyes shot a glance down between my legs. I was sure you could see the outline of my swollen pussy lips through my wet, white panties. My pussy is so inviting, isn’t it? Slide that hand from my toes, up to my thighs, along my stockings and straight for my slick bald pussy. Glide my creamy wet panties off so you can see how delicious my pussy really is. Get that nice hard cock out and show me how good you can fuck. I will wrap my long legs around you and help guide that big cock in. Working every inch of that dick into my nice tight pussy. I am super tight and sopping wet the combination will make your cock throb. I want you to fuck my pussy so hard I will be sore the next day and I won’t forget this moment. You start rocking your hips back and forth faster and faster. I know you are about to cum and clamp my silky pussy muscle right down on the shaft. The sensation is so pleasurable you release yourself and fill my pink hole up with that warm cum. Where do you want me next?

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