The Lonely Trucker

I went on a long road trip over the weekend. It was a 6 hour drive up north to a friend’s log cabin. I had a blast but the best part was on my way home. I had been driving for about 4 hours and decided to stop at a truck stop. I needed to get some fresh air and stretch my legs. I was in the back outside, walking by these big semi’s and I was smoking a cigarette. Suddenly a man jumps out of a big semi and walks toward me. I wasn’t the least bit afraid because surprisingly he was good looking. And after a weekend with boring couples, I was horny! This guy must have been feeling the same thing. I motioned for him to follow me. I kept walking to the end of the semi’s. I didn’t even turn back to see if he followed me. I was facing the truck, my back to the trucker. I put my hands on my legs, took my panties off, hiked up my skirt and bent over a bit. I closed my eyes and waited. My pussy was so wet with anticipation. I am not sure how long it was, it seemed to take forever. But suddenly I felt a semi hard cock sliding into my pussy. He fucked me while his cock got harder then he came into my pussy. It was so hot. I had multiple orgasms, not caring if anyone heard me. I gathered up my panties, adjusted my skirt, turned around and he was gone. But I was satisfied and had a smile on my face the rest of my drive home.

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