Thanksgiving Special

Happy Thanksgiving Lover!

I love it that I can give back to some of you AWESOME callers! I am so thankful for my regulars that I want you all to know how much I appreciate it that you call me. So I hope you will be taking advantage of the special going on this week with the selected ladies! We work hard to make you happy and to keep you happy. And I know you work hard so you can keep calling us hotties! I have already been getting tons of calls from callers taking advantage of the special. Don’t miss out! Make sure you call one of us hotties for a fun time at a great price!

15 Minutes for $20

20 Minutes for $30

30 Minutes for $45

60 Minutes for $80

Also take advantage of the 2 girl special with 2 of us lovely ladies, 20 Minute 2 girl call for $65

Don’t wait, these prices won’t be available for long!

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