Potions, Spells, and Evil

Malaya MaxI own this little shop, it’s cute kind of quaint but it has very dark secrets in it. My great grandmother was a Shaman and often said I was possessed by a kitsune who decided to never leave my body. Well fuck, would you if you had this beautiful body for your meat suit? I don’t feel like I need an excuse for the evil I do but I do have one. ROTFLMFAO.

Many men come into my store to get a better look at my beauty and end up paying large amounts for love spells. Love spells? I mean what pathetic worms to think they can make a girl love them. Of course, I take their money gladly and do another spell.

What kind of spells you ask? If I tell you, I will have to torture and kill you which is not such a bad idea. I can make the most masculine man into a submissive slave begging to for his mouth to be pounded. Is it witchcraft, or is it just my beauty sends them into a head spin or maybe, just maybe it is something I put in the tea I serve them. You will never know, till I do it to you.  Come into my shop a man, leave as my bitch.

Maleficent  Malaya 

MalayaWritten By: Malaya Max
My Web Page
AIM- malayamax

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