Police Troubles

So I was driving this couple around after they were staggering out of the bar at 3:00 in the morning. I was really in no mood to do this but at least I get paid decent to drive some people around. Well the little bastards end up doing their thing in my car, and I am not talking sucky and fucky in the back seat. I was disgusted and threw things to clean it up and in doing so weaved a bit. Wouldn’t you know it, not even 2 seconds later, the cop is lighting them up I am getting pulled over. I was hoping it wasn’t a female cop, they are the worst and I can’t get anywhere with them, well not normally 😉 Anyway, he does his speal then gets my license. He is kinda big and good voice so I give him my license and I await his return. I watch his fine ass walking away in the side mirror, the two drunk in the backseat. Well, he comes back and goes no ticket but I do need your number to issue a warning. I know better but give it to him anyway….one thing led to another and after he called, lets just say I got a whole new appreciation of handcuffs and those batons they carry!

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