Pindick training, part 1…Know your role!!!

Welcome all to the first of what I hope is an informative and eye opening look into an untapped resource that is available to all us ladies out there.

Imagine having a man at your beck and call, ready to drop his plans and pick you up, always willing to give your feet a rub or help you get ready for a night out. A man you can be yourself around, bitch about your boyfriends or take him shopping! A man who you can have fun teasing and a man who will always be there, begging for more, whether it’s a sexy back rub you want, a shoulder to cry on, or even a girlfriend to go panty shopping with!

I’m here to tell you that all of you women could have all this and more. All it takes is a little effort to find the right specimen, a little time to condition and emasculate the poor little dear, and the willingness to flirt and demand in just the right ways for you to have your very own human puppy dog.

Over the course of these guides, I’ll be telling you the best ways I’ve found to capture a man with a small penis under your spell, how to keep him there, and the amazing and fun things he’ll be desperate to do for you just to stay around in your company.

But first, what is a pindick? It might seem like an obvious question, but a lot of ladies out there don’t give them much of a thought at all (no wonder why!). A pindick is a cute name for a man with a below average sized penis. Anything under 5 ½ inches is definitely considered small, and the psyche of the men who have been cursed with these little units is preprogrammed ready for you to exploit.

It’s especially useful if you can find a guy with a really small penis, especially in it’s width. There’s been a lot of movement lately to make a guy with a small penis feel more like a man by stressing the importance of girth, so if you have one who’s packing a skinny pencil down there, he’ll be all the more easy to control.

The nature of a pindick is a curious thing indeed. I personally get off on the sexual humiliation of others, love watching boys squirm and beg for what they so desperately want. A guy with a small penis is the ultimate victim of sexual humiliation. Whilst other things can be worked on, looks improved, money gained, there is still no way for an itsy-bitsy penis to become anything more than just that.

Imagine for a moment that you’re a man with a small cock. No doubt you’ve felt the shame of being small all your post-pubescent life. Maybe other boys teased you growing up? Even if they didn’t you certainly wouldn’t have felt as masculine as them. Maybe you’ve had girlfriends laugh at you, or dates refuse you sexual contact. To be seen by the outside world as a sexual inferior, to know in your heart and mind that there is nothing you can do about it, to feel like you’ll never be as masculine or confident as other blessed men. This is the mind of a pindick.

Because of this, a lot of pindicks feel like they somehow deserve a rougher treatment. They don’t have the goods to please a woman, so they’re not surprised when she passes them over for another man. You will hardly ever find a pindick with a healthy or even regular sex life, it simply isn’t available to them. Because of this the pindick cherishes any woman who will give him the time of day, but he’s also away that normal sexual roles are an unlikely eventuality. He will do almost anything to please an attractive woman, often despite his better judgment. Because he doesn’t feel that he deserves sexual equality, it is incredibly simple to reduce a pindick to an emasculated, inferior status.

But does a pindick grow tired of trying to date or please women? In my experience, the answer is a firm no. Because his sexual dreams lie unfulfilled, the intensity and obsessive nature of them often consumes his thoughts. A lot of pindicks are virgins, so they have that social stigma to shame them as well and in our sex-obsessed society almost all unfulfilled little babydicks are horny little masturbaters.

This is where we come in! If you’re reading this and wondering why anyone would want to do this to a man, I will address that later. Just bear in mind that if you have a pindick as a friend, you can certainly tweak his buttons and play to his insecurities in just the right ways to gain full control over his sexually obsessed little package.

What you gain out of it is remarkably rewarding. A guy who worships the ground you walk on, is available 24/7 to tend to your needs and whims, is forced to concede your right to date and fuck other men and who will only grow more and more attentive and obedient over time.

Keep in mind that to start with this is subtle domination. The pindick will never feel like a slave, nor you a mistress. You will feel like two regular friends, except you will discover you are able to expect and request a great deal more from him. A pindick will always hide his true pindick status (as best he can) so the public will see you as friends.

It is, in fact a nice way to foster a close and rewarding relationship (for both parties) with a man who is simply unable to ever rise to the role of a sexual equal. By following my suggestions correctly, he will never guess that you are manipulating him, in fact he will be glad for your relationship and seek to please you.

It is possible to continue the relationship with subtle manipulation. It is also possible to embark on a new form of relationship, one with more explicit demands and one in which he will definitely feel like a true submissive. I have had both forms of relationships, and can recommend both of them. It is up to you how far you twist your pindick around your little finger.

The system I have devised is a remarkably simple set of instructions, based on the 5 tenets of “Pindick Conditioning and Control”. Even if you are skeptical about your chances of capturing the attention of a little pindick, or even if you are morally or in any way opposed to the idea, I urge you to read on, to consider what I have to say and to see if you can’t find some aspect that may work for you.

A quick summary of the positive points of having a little pindick under your control –

* He is always be there for you. He will drop everything to be by your side or to help you in any way.

* He will never say no to you, so back rubs, running errands, even household chores can be expected of him

* Many women gain a sexual charge from controlling a man, especially a man they are not even sleeping with.

* He works in a good tandem with a regular boyfriend, who may not care too much about every last person in your office, or your exercise regime, or girly conversations. A pindick will be there to listen to you, no matter what your pick for conversation is.

* Shopping! It’s always much more fun shopping with another person, so if you know in the back of your mind that he’s available any time, you know you can always have a girlfriend to shop with.

* He is a true friend. Despite however cynical or mean my suggestions may sound, they are built around a mutual love of each other.

Keep in mind that this is not an explicit sexual or Dominant / submissive relationship. The outside world will view it as a normal friendship. He will view it as a friendship where you are slightly demanding, but still nothing more than that. By taking small steps with your domination of him, you will learn to control him bit by bit, until he is so infatuated with you that he cannot see the hold you have over him.

It is also not a mean relationship. Sure, I would never consider sleeping with any of the pindicks I have been friends with in the past, and yes I have used them for my own personal gain and pleasure. But pindicks are not likely to form close sexual relationships with women regardless, thus he is happy to spend his time on whatever he can get. He is also free to leave at any time, a concept you will see, rarely enters the mind of a pindick.

In short, a pindick loves the attention and closeness of your special relationship. He would certainly love to be your sexual equal, but since he is unable to perform this role, he will love to take what he can get. The other point to consider is that a life of rejection and shame has probably already wired him to be sexually excited by humiliation or servitude. You are providing him sexual excitement through the sexual frustration you inflict upon him. This is a difficult concept and will be explained in more detail later.

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