I Love Saturdays!!!

What NOT to do….

Okay, so Saturday I was doing my usual in town. It was a nice day so I was wearing daisy dukes, halter top, strappy sandals, letting it all out, just me and one of my girlfriends.  We were at a sidewalk cafe downing mimosas like they were kool Aid and cat calling to all of the boys as they walked by, making complete spectacles of ourselves. We were drawing quite a bit of attention, and to be honest, I am usually much more settle with my attention seeking behaviors! I injured my shoulder at the gym last week and took my pain meds before we left, so drowning that with champagne may not have been the brightest idea, but oh well! We sat there for hours drinking and picking at a fresh fruit salad, licking our fingers and teasing the guys when they stopped to chat us up. I have no idea how many boys I spoke to that day, but later on I figured out it was at least 5. Let me explain; by 4pm my girlfriend and I were both completely trashed and had to take a cab back to my house where we both passed out in the living room. When I awoke at 9:15 pm, my girlfriend was gone but had left a sweet little note on the coffee table saying she would call me in the morning and I should give her details about the night. Details? Here’s where it gets interesting. At about a quarter to 10 there’s a knock at the door, who the hell could that be? Why it’s one of the boys from town! Apparently, I was giving out my address to these random students and telling them to come see me at 10, at least that’s what they all told me, As they began to arrive, one after the other from that point on until around 10:15 when I had 5 boys in my living room. I swear I don’t remember actually speaking to any of them, but fuck it, each one was hotter than the last so I let them all in! So there we all are, in my living room, 5 raging boners and me, so I took my top off.

“Who wants to go first?”

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