~ Caught ~

I love my friends, but sometimes, those sluts get my ass in trouble.  Most of my friends are just like me, they like to drink and party until you black out.  Nothing is ever wrong with that, at least I don’t think so.  Makes you loosen up a bit and helps with any inhibitions that you might have left. lol.

So, two days ago, we were bored, and it was way too early in the day to go out.  Now mind you, I love to get fucked up as early as possible, but 8:30 a.m., just a wee bit early. So what do you do when you wanted to get trashed but don’t want to drink? You break out the nose candy, that’s what you do.

Have you ever noticed that you get the best ideas when you are beyond smashed? Here is the thing, yes you get fantastic ideas but sometimes you really shouldn’t act on them. Okay, back to us sitting around, having these amazing ideas, when my one friend, Shari, says, “You know what you should do Jordon?”  Now you have to understand, the last time Shari said something like that, I spent three days in jail.  But, being in the enlightened state in which I was, I said, “What?” And that is when the plan was put into action.

I got dressed up very conservatively and we drove down town.  I got out of the car, and made my way into one of the buildings, that seemed to employ every single boring looking man in the world, made my way to either the third or forth floor; to be honest I cannot remember which one it was exactly; and went into the men’s room and waited.

The first person who came in actually walked back out, then came back in.  I started to pull the front of my skirt up and rub my thighs, the guy didn’t know what to do.  I walked over to him and whispered in his ear something like, “I’m a free fuck if you want me.” After a few minutes of him looking very uncomfortable, he finally did a quick fuck with me, then washed his hands and left.  I found that sort of funny. lol. Anyway, I had myself fucked three times before the shit hit the fan.

The forth guy to come into the bathroom was a fucking security guard.  And that is where my fun ended. lol I was escorted out of the building, no lie, three guards, one holding each arm, and one walking behind me.  Everyone was looking at me, but I wasn’t embarrassed, but I was dripping a lot of cum into my panties.  As they walked me outside, one told me never to come back to their building, I said I wouldn’t and that was that.

My friend Shari thought it was the funniest thing when I explained to her that I had been caught like that.  She is still laughing about it.  I think I need to come up with something for her to do, so she can feel the rush of almost being arrested and being tossed out of a building.  If you have any ideas, then please let me know, and make it good!


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