Pay to worship pig loser!

As most of you know I adore boots and shoes. Well, I have stacks of boxes laying around untouched. I keep meaning to try them all out and I planned on doing a few sets of foot fetish, boot fetish, and high heel fetish photos today. Unfortunately for you, I got a bit of a burn tanning. So, I might get around to it tomorrow. Don’t squirt in your little pink panties in excitement!!!

I have been really busy, but that’s not a bad thing. Well maybe it is, for the losers that aren’t worthy of my time… The slackers who have not kept up with their financial responsibilities have been left to hang with their limp dicks. I don’t have time to keep up with tiny dicks that need me to chase them around, like their mommies still do. To all the good boys, stay tuned for my new photo sets. You will be the first to view! I’m behind in posts, so don’t expect any special mentions for your gifts and tributes. Just know that I am enjoying them!

Kiss my ass


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