Looking Back on my Firsts- Part 1

I had a really awesome call the other night. A really nice guy who just wanted to kind of talk to me about my life and some of my firsts. One of the things we talked about was my first time masturbating. Now… I am a little embarassed to say, but I was kind of slow coming into my sexuality. I was more of a rough and tumble little tomboy than a girly girl. I had two older brothers and I always hung out with them and their friends rather than other girls.

I remember I was about twelve and we were riding bikes and I was on one of my brother’s bikes. It was kind of too big for me so I really had to stretch to reach. It ground my pussy into the seat and man did it feel funny- a good kind of funny, but still different than anything I had felt before. I knew that later in the day I would have to try and recreate that feeling.

So there I was, laying in bed in my brother Mark’s old flannel pajamas, and trying to figure out what the hell to do. Finally I took my little fingers and started rubbing over the fabric. In truth, I had no clue what I was doing! I kept rubbing and rubbing and oh did it feel good! I know it’s terrible, but I am pretty sure I was thinking about my brother and wishing he was doing it to me. I didn’t really know what masturbation was until I was about sixteen… yeah I know late bloomer.

Over the years, I had many a night where I was touching myself through pajamas and later underneath them. Now a days, I have lots of fun toys to play with and LOTS to think about. I’d really like to masturbate right now… with “Daddy” or “brother” hearing me. I’ll write about my next first later, right now I need to cum.

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