His Brother

Well, things never really work out the way you plan them , do they?

Any way, my last post, with the old friend? Well, can you say stalker? LMAO  ! I consider it a lesson learned…  SO on with the story! The boy I dumped? well, enter the brother….He finds out we arent together, and in he swoops, professing infatuation, oozing sexuality, everything his brother wasnt…and then some!

We decide to meet up one afternoon…OMG. the sexual tension was almost too much too take..ok who am I kidding..it was too much to take. We ended up fucking inthe back of my Jeep right there in the grocerystore parking lot!! He took me from behind at one point and I look out the window to see an elderly couple standing there witness to the whole spectacle!! Well, I didnt know quite what to do…. so I waved, lmfao! DUH! Whats better? They waved back! shook their heads, smiling, and moved along! unreal, as he was pounding me from behind! A moment I will never forget!!

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