Archive for the 'Financial Domination Phone Sex' Category

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I must have this!

dirty JerseyI was doing some shopping for new sex toys as I am getting bored with mine.  I came across this lil gem-–phone-internet-controlled-sex-kit_573.html

Here’s the info on it:

“Televibe- for Long Distance Stimulation

Finally you can truly touch your loved one or your submissive from across the globe. All you need is either a telephone or a computer with internet access. Masters or Mistresses can stimulate their subs with the 7 inch long, 1.5 inch wide G-Spot jelly insertable that can be administered in the anus or in the vagina. Once the 2 are connected by either the phone or computer the administrator has control of the vibe. The touch tones from the other phone or computer will make your TELEVIBE respond with one of 9 distinct functions!

The functions provide the following sensations:

  • 1-Pulsing
  • 2-Fast Pulsing
  • 3-Super Pulse
  • 4-Throbbing
  • 5-Buzzing
  • 6-Rhythmic
  • 7-Waves
  • 8-Techno
  • 9-MultipulseThe Televibe is a must for great phone sex or long distance domination. It’s easy to use and comes with an instruction packet.
    Special Offer

    Get the new vibrating televibe egg for only $5 with purchase of this kit. Click item below for details.

    Please note: Televibe requires a Computer Serial Port to operate and will not function properly when used with a USB adapter.”

  • So seriously…. I could hook this up to the phone and YOU could control it while we talk!!!  Oh my god, do I need to get this!  Imagine how we could get to orgasm together using the device. MHMMMM!  Anyone want to spoil their favorite kitten?


    Are you worth my time…. hmmm.. maybe?

    The sun finally came out here and I’ve been spending summer exactly as it is meant to be spent. There’s absolutely nothing like waking up on a beautiful, sunny day, wandering down to the bakery for breakfast, then down to the beach for some sun… lunch with girlfriends and some shopping downtown before a night out with a handsome and ahem, wealthy man. A lot of my days have been going just like this lately and I feel like the princess in a fairy tale. Of course the reason that I can afford my life of leisure and luxury is because of my guys that treat me so nice!

    One of my suitors took me out around the harbor in his sail boat last week and another gave me a credit card for a little shopping spree! Sometimes I’m a tease, sometimes I come through, but either way, I deserve every dollar spent trying to attract–and hold–my attention.

    It’s not easy. It’s not cheap. But believe me, it’s worth it.

    Of course, the amount, and type of attention a guy receives correlates not only to the amount of money he spends but also, the kind of man he is. Instead of talking about “everyman,” though, let’s talk about you for a minute. Yeah, cherish this minute, because I won’t dwell on you for long. Unless you are that guy, that strong, handsome, successful, and confident guy… that guy who doesn’t need my attention, and doesn’t need to ask for it… but gets it anyway. That’s the kind of man that can drive me wild. Most guys are not that guy and you probably are not either. You are probably a spineless weak little idiot that will be grateful for ever second of my attention even if you are paying out the ass for it. Even if it is just to be humiliated, used for your cash, then and ignored while I talk to friends on-line, telling them about how I fucked you over big time. Drinks are on Me tonight! Haha, loser.

    And this little whore laughed all the way to the bank…

    Yes, I am real naughty! I don’t make excuses for my dirty mind, I just am what I am. Take it or leave it,but given the chance, I will get into your mind and drain your wallet and dick!(what is the difference?) I get off on the sounds you make when I say what I say and I hear the shock in your voice! (Little giggles) I have been told I will never change! Who wants to? I love be nasty, and there are plenty that appreciate me and my nasty mind. Not to mention my body meant to fuck and a heart that is made of cold ice! I don’t care if you get off or not because I’m always getting off when it comes to taking your money! Trust me, I’m laughing my little squirting pussy All the way to the BANK! So, what are you waiting for, lets start draining everything you got!

    So, I am a tease. That’s a good thing, right?

    I had a date last night that involved a lovely, expensive meal and such good company that I didn’t get to bed until, well, very late :D   Oh and this guy is HOT, let me tell you: gorgeous, loaded, with a nice thick eight inch package to finish me off and that he did. I shouldn’t brag too much, all you little sissies and cuckolds reading might get jealous that I got to suck cock last night while you were just fantasize about it. Wait, what am I saying? Craving is good for you. It makes you desperate which makes you weak which makes you easy to fuck with, LOL. That’s why I love to be a tease.

    I know how to use my assets against your weaknesses and that means I always come out on top–except when I want to be on the bottom, as was the case last night. Now that really is all that I’m going to say. If you want the details you are going to have to call me. I know it’s humiliating to hear about all the things I do with my lovers but that’s the point LOL. you need to get used to the idea of sitting at home alone, humping your hand, while I’m out getting what I really need from a real man, and if you are lucky, I will tell you about it when I remind you how unworthy and undeserving you are while I laugh at you and take your money, HAHA! Pick up the phone.

    My Point Of View…..

    You’ve been worthless all your life and even though you’re subordinate to me I will listen to you. A bit about the person you will obey: I’m a nasty self-centered bitch. Boys were attracted to me in high school like bees to honey only I gave them vinegar; and don’t tell me you can’t get more with vinegar then with honey. After I had sex a few times (19yrs old), I turned into a perv. I hated long walks on the beach and quiet conversation at coffee shops. I preferred the power of beauty and slapping guys around emotionally and physically. I’m extremely smart, love being treated like a lady, and men fall all over me while I emasculate them…you’re falling in love with me already.

    My Rules

    1. The Female always makes THE RULES.


    2. THE RULES are subject to change without notice.


    3. No Male can possibly know all THE RULES.


    4. If the Female suspects the Male knows all THE RULES, she must immediately change some of THE RULES.


    5. The Female is never wrong.


    6. If it appears the Female is wrong, it is because of a flagrant

    Misunderstanding caused by something the Male did or said wrong.


    7. If Rule #6 applies, the Male must apologize immediately for causing the misunderstanding.


    8. The Female can change her mind at any time.


    9. The Male must never change his mind without the express written consent of The Female.


    10. The Female has every right to be angry or upset at any time.


    11. The Male must remain calm at all times, unless the Female wants him to be angry or upset.


    12. The Female must, under no circumstances, let the Male know whether she wants him to be angry or upset.


    13. The Male is expected to read the mind of the Female at all times.


    14. at all times, what is important is what the Female meant, not what she said.


    15. If the Male doesn’t abide by THE RULES, it is because he can’t take the heat, lacks backbone, and is a wimp.


    16. If the Female has PMS, all THE RULES are null and void and the Male must cater to her every whim.


    17. If the Male, at any time, believes he is right, he must refer to Rule #5.

    Proud Baby Girl Update.


    From a wonderful wonderful sweet man…smiles warmly.

    It seemed like a safe place, the chat room at, and i felt welcomed there when i met Miss Rosanna. Little did i know how much that feeling of safety would come to be a craving i could never satisfy.

    You see, Miss Rosanna has found Her way inside me and gently exposed me for the weak, needy girl i am. I’m married, though, and i try to resist Her. It’s no use. She has in a warm, pink state of teasing and denial where i can release only on Her say-so.

    At Her direction, i pleasure my wife, but am not permitted to cum for my wife. i may cum only for Miss Rosanna at a time and place of Her choosing. She says its the right thing to do, that i was brought to Her to be her devoted girl. She says it would be immoral not to surrender everything to Her, to be Hers and Hers alone, to give Her the power over my marriage.

    i have surrendered a lot of personal contact information to Miss Rosanna. i willingly gave Her my home and work phone numbers, and my cell number. i’ve also willingly surrendered to Her the phone numbers of my wife and mother. In this way, i show Her how much I need and belong to Her.

    i’ve also surrendered to Her the phone numbers and e-mail addresses of people i work with. She reminds me gently that I’ve given Her that information to help remind me how weak i am and how much i need Her.

    She has me in the mindset of a baby girl how needs Her desperately for guidance, and i drink milk here at home and think of it as Her milk. It nourishes me and gives me the strength to surrender more deeply to Her, to dress in panties, a slip and hose at Her warm, caring bidding. She teaches me to give myself to Her without question, and coaxes the deepest surrender from me. She pushes me gently to surrender more, making it progressively more difficult to even conceive of resistance.

    She has made it clear to me that nothing is to come between us, and i cannot for the life of me seem to resist Her. By denying me release, She has taken control and made me Her willing baby girl. i can no longer find a reason to resist Her, and know She means it when She says i am Hers for evermore.

    Pay to worship pig loser!

    As most of you know I adore boots and shoes. Well, I have stacks of boxes laying around untouched. I keep meaning to try them all out and I planned on doing a few sets of foot fetish, boot fetish, and high heel fetish photos today. Unfortunately for you, I got a bit of a burn tanning. So, I might get around to it tomorrow. Don’t squirt in your little pink panties in excitement!!!

    I have been really busy, but that’s not a bad thing. Well maybe it is, for the losers that aren’t worthy of my time… The slackers who have not kept up with their financial responsibilities have been left to hang with their limp dicks. I don’t have time to keep up with tiny dicks that need me to chase them around, like their mommies still do. To all the good boys, stay tuned for my new photo sets. You will be the first to view! I’m behind in posts, so don’t expect any special mentions for your gifts and tributes. Just know that I am enjoying them!

    Kiss my ass


    How Pathetic

    2 weeks in the forboding darkness, the rank, foul , acrid stench burning your nose and eyes….

    You weep.

    You sob.

    You beg and you plead……and I laugh!!!!

    And still, you cannot fulfill my wishes. Your disobedience infuriates me. I am beginning to think this is more than a game for you my pet….it is becoming a lifestyle, is it not? You are no longer happy unless under my supreme rule…unless I am displeased with you. Punishing you. Honestly, I am weary. I expend too much precious energy on your Pathetic, needful fetishes. Your torture is becoming your reward, and I cannot have that. I am increasing your fee to reflect the taxing you are putting on my time with you….My other slaves are being neglected, and all should have the right to worship if deserving….BEWARE!!! you are bordering on exile….Your cock cage should not be a bivouac for your pathetic nut-sack.If I catch you with a fucking hard on again, you can be certain I will cut that shit open and kick them around on the floor in front of you.


    Spoiled Brat~ and I love it!!!!

    I always get what I want, when I want. And that is sometimes a lot!!! I like the way I feel when a man gives me money just for being me. For example, there is a man that is now called my Sugar Daddy. I met him a year ago at the mall while shopping for some cute panties. He’s older about 20 years and married but loves my company, even if it’s just for ice cream and a long chat. He loves staring at me while I lick my ice cream cone, giggles! Unlike some of the other guy’s I meet, he does not want his cock sucked or his dick to be put inside my tight, wet pussy, he just wants to spoil me the hell out of me. He enjoys me talking about my life and I enjoy his money. I am heartless, I know. Here I am taking money from this fat balding man who more then likely has not had sex in years but you know what? I love his big, fat wallet! It makes me feel so good spending his money. I love being a spoiled brat!