Freaky is as Freaky does….

My caller just now asked me what does it mean to be a “Goth Girl”?  Oddly that is the first time anyone has ever asked me that.  I think few people really consider it, they just look at me as being “weird”.  Being Goth to me just really means enjoying the darker side of life.  Whether it be music, art or culture.  There is beauty in death, evil, blood and pain among other things.  Being Goth to me also means refusing to be boxed in to a social norm.  I refuse to dress, talk or fuck how others think I should.  I take the term “kinky” to a whole new level in every aspect of my life.

So let me tell you about my recent obsessions.  Incest pedo.  Yep, that shit is hot.  My mind is like a twisted planet of family fucking.  I can’t decide who I want to fuck more.  There is mom, dad, brother, sister, aunts, uncles, cousins.  So many to choose from.  I guess the pedo part cums in the form of brother, sister or cousins.  I have some that are still in diapers.  Yeah I know that makes me a sick fuck but that is a good thing right?

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