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Gorgeous Little decorations on The Klassy Christmas Tree

Sweeter than Sugar-Plums are these Kitties Three,

Each Lass,

Full of Sass

Not more Fun could they be!

They dont Cum in a Box,

Though they have one, you know

So you should fill it with something

for your little Ho-Ho-Ho HOE!

So, grab Your Own Christmas Belle

for some fun under the tree,

But dont wear yourself out

Cuz the Last Fucks for ME!!!

Cookie Kisses,


Let me tease you…

It is December here in Florida and I still get to hang out on the beach some days.  Today was one of those days.

I spent the morning jogging on the beach and then took a nice long swim.  I laid out in the sun and watched all the guys watching me.  It turns me on immensely to be the center of attention.

Of course I get off on teasing the guys most of all.  Collecting phone numbers and taking all hostages.  🙂

Meet me under the mistletoe

Would you like to tell Ms. Chloe here what you would like
in your phone-fuck Christmas stocking? I have a very special, sexy Christmas present for you! I know personally you’ve been a naughty boy this year. Don’t worry babe, your secret is completely safe with me. I never kiss and tell! I’ll be waiting to give you that maximum pleasure you’ve been craving this season!

Holiday Kisses,

Chloe 866-949-4106

Your Christmas Angel is Here

Really, boys.I’m not such a bad girl. In fact, I’ve been an Angel all year! Well, almost. okay, not quite…..

Oh alright! i can see you rolling your eyes….;)

but you must admit… I am oh-so-very-good at being BAD! I am a nice girl though. Ask anyone. I volunteer at the animal shelter, at the VA hospital, and the homeless shelter downtown during the holidays. One time I even stopped my car and blocked traffic to shoo a Momma Duck  and her ducklings across a busy street! At Christmas I do this thing I call Random Acts of Kindness. I might pay for the person behind me in line at the checkout… or buy two boxes of chocolate and give one to the clerk.

Just because I happen to LOVE men, and LOVE sex, doesnt make me a bad person…just a horny one!


Sit On Kinky Tiffany’s Lap

So, when I was a kid, I was terrified of sitting on Santa’s lap for two reasons. One was rational, the other was completely irrational.

I irrationally believed that if I sat on Santa’s lap, all the red from his pants would rub off onto me and I’d be red forever. I’m not sure where that idea came from, but I was terrifed.

The more rational reason was because even at the age of six, I though it was really creepy that a strange old man wanted me to sit on his lap. There just seemed something so dirty and wrong about that, especially as Santa often hugged you for the pictures. And that my parents, all parents, condoned this, was weird to me.

Now, I would totally sit on a dirty old man’s lap to get presents. I would sit on any man’s lap to get presents!

But, this year, i am whoring myself out for Christmas. Any of you wishing to sit on Tiffany’s lap for Christmas, give me a call. I have tons of presents to give out! Just the kind you like too!

1-866-794-8175  Merry Christmas Boys!!


Who wants the same old boring cookies and milk? Way i figure it, what Santa really wants is a Hot Piece of ASS!!! I mean, wouldnt you? Hes just a man after all…with needs! And the last thing i can see him needing or wanting is another plate of stale fucking cookies when he can have this!!!!!Cum on Santa baby… you only Cum once a year, may as well make it HUGE!!!!



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Continue reading ‘SANTA BABY….’

Small Weenie Humiliation!

Limp noodle.  Teenie Weenie.  Waste of a foreskin.  Pathetic excuse for a dick.  In fact its not even worthy of being called a dick, its just a little clitty.   You know all of these things already, but I have absolutely no problem clarifying what I think of your pencil dick!

Dirty teacher of the year!

It is official!  My school is trying to drive me insane.  Recently they started requiring a school uniform.  It is just driving me crazy more so than it used to.  Now I have these pretty little ones actually wearing naughty lil school girl outfits for me.  The boys with their cute little dress shirts and ties.  It is torture, I swear.

It makes me want to play with my students even more now.  As I am teaching all I can do is look at their cute little legs in those short skirts.  Or there little boy bulges in those tight trowsers.


Last night, I had the best call I have ever received!  My caller wanted me to be his mom and bust him having our family dog licking his dick.  Now, as a mother, I should be upset and scold him,…but no, he wants me to show him how I fuck the dog.  I walk in and find the dog licking a substance off his cock…so I get down on my knees and stroke his cock as the dog licks the tip…. getting him harder than he already was.  I get up and get naked, jump on his cock for a minute or two while the dog licks his balls and let him cum in me.  I get up and not having enough because my son came so quickly, I get on all fours and have the dog fuck me making my son cum again.  If you want the details of this call, or you think you can top it…call me I would love to see what YOU have!

Hoilday HORNYNESS!!!

With Christmas approaching,.. seeing Adam or Gina is pretty much impossible.  I am so horny and need to get off that I have been only masturbating and getting off that way.  I have had a few calls from a certain regular caller who has been really getting me off very well.  I need a man who can take care of me, one who likes to get me off and squirt all over while masturbating on the phone.  If you feel like you want to hear me squirt,…. CALL ME!  I would love for you to listen!