Author Archive for A.J.

AJ’S Revenge

I can be a very revengeful girl especially when I don’t get my way! It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, you better watch out!

                     I caught my boyfriend with another girl. She was older too. You can’t even imagine how mad that made me. I mean who would want to cheat when they have me?

                    I knew he was with HER, so I knocked on his door in tears, fake tears, of course. His handsome daddy let me in. He saw my tears, and gave me a long, strong hug. I think daddy’s dick was hard. He sat down on the couch and asked me to sit with him. He dried my tears while I told him what his son did to me. 

                    Daddy got that look in his eyes and I knew it was game on! The problem is that he assumed I was on some sort of birth control. I’m not because it’s fun to live dangerously! Well, I might have some news for you, daddy! What do you think of my revenge? 



Written By: AJ
Call  AJ @ 1-866-935-9411



Nothing But Trouble

           I love causing trouble wherever I go. Everyone has  a “thing”, and trouble is mine! 

It all began when my older sister asked me about my teachers. When she realized I had some of the same teachers as her, she told me about getting my way with them.

When she saw my friends and I teasing men, she told me a better way to tease them, and of course, a much safer way. Big sisters are so helpful.

  She told me about all my teachers and their special kinks. My math teacher was going on and on, I was falling asleep. Maybe if I rub my nipples, it will wake me up. Still, bored, bored, bored. Maybe if I just rubbed my pussy through my skirt? Now we’re talking!  My teacher is stuttering and sort of drooling. 

   All my rubbing and touching has made me horny! Art class is next. My teacher HOT!

I sit front row as always, but this time I left my panties at home. 



Written By: AJ
Call  AJ @ 1-866-935-9411



The Man At My Window

    I was trying to get some sleep, but I kept hearing voices outside.  I didn’t see anyone so I tried to get back to sleep. I was having a very naughty dream and I wanted to go back to it. Then I heard something at my window. Like rocks or pebbles. 

I open the curtains to see a tall man standing out there. I open the window to ask him what he wants and he tells me he has lost his new puppy. I offer to help him look, but he tells me that he noticed the front door of our house was partially open, and he thinks his puppy might have gotten in.

I run down and let him in. He’s really cute! I love tall, bearded older men. He asks who is home, and I tell him it’s just me. My parents went out for holiday drinks. 

He follows me around while we look for his puppy. I’m beginning to think maybe I made a mistake letting him in. He sure is checking me out!  Next thing I know, he’s behind me, grabbing my tiny tits.

He pushes me down on the bed and tells me he’s going to take what he wants. He tells me things could go easy or hard.  I sure do like things hard!


Written By: AJ
Call  AJ @ 1-866-935-9411

Flirting, Teasing and Fucking

Sometimes my pretty little mouth gets me in big trouble. I sometimes speak without even thinking. I mean, at my age there’s so many new things to think about and do. 

I guess I misunderstand people at times and just act on what I think. I could have sworn my parents told me they were going out and to do whatever I wanted. I tried to stay in and be good. I really did.

I tried on some of moms sexy clothes, then her makeup, and perfume. I really do look like her and I wonder if I can play some tricks in my neighborhood. It’s super cold out so I had a reason to partially cover my face. 

I have seen the man across the street flirt with my mommy and she flirted back. I wonder what he’s up too? I do love to flirt and tease older men.

He let me in and offered me a drink. I was thirsty but what about my mask? I waited until he had a few, coaxing him to drink shots. Finally! I can have some drinks too now. The more I flirted and teased, the hornier I got.

We began to kiss and do all sorts of sexy stuff.  He really has no idea I’m not my mom!  

Now clothes are coming off.  Oops, maybe I took it too far. He thinks he’ll be fucking a grown woman, not me. In the end though, I guess I didn’t fool anyone because while we were doing it, he called out my name. 


Written By: AJ
Call  AJ @ 1-866-935-9411

Tiny Tits

I’ve noticed something lately and it’s pretty hard to miss. My adorable little tits! When I say little, I mean little. I have compared mine to my friend’s and mine are so much smaller. 

                      I’ve heard things from friends about how to make them get bigger. Mark who is a senior says I need to play with them. He says I need to rub them, touch them, and suck my nipples. How could I even get these tiny precious nipples into my mouth. Of course, I have ideas of my own!

I have this neighbor and he’s just too good to be true. He helps me with special projects and even lets me use his pool. He told me I could even skinny dip as no one would notice with the big fence. 

I toss on a coat and rush to his house. Why dress as he needs to see my little tits. I explain my problem and I ask if he could be of any assistance to me. He tells me he loves my cute little tits, but sure he could help to make them bigger.

I lay on his bed and he lays on top. He begins to suck my nipples. I really like that. 

What do you think? Bigger or perfect like they are? You can still suck on my nipples! 



Written By: AJ
Call  AJ @ 1-866-935-9411

Daddy’s Little Cocksucker

             It’s no secret that I love sex, and sex, and more sex. I love cock, and I also love pussy! Daddy always told me that I was the perfect girl so adorable and eager. By now, I have sucked tons of cocks. Big ones, little ones, old ones, and young ones.  

                      I wanted to tell you about the first cock I sucked. Mommy would turn red at just the word “moist”, so as you can imagine, my sex education came from my friends and horny older neighbors.

A few boys had me trapped in the field by our house and wouldn’t let me go until I gave them a blowjob. I thought I was supposed to just blow on it, but they taught me what I needed to know.

I ran home so excited at my new sexy secret. Daddy was watching the news and I tried to sneak past. He saw me and wanted me to keep him company. He was looking at me sort of strangely when he asked me what was on my pretty face. Uh oh, must be from the boys cock. 

Daddy wasn’t having any of my fake explanation. I finally had to tell him the truth. Daddy had an idea since I had a hard time telling him what happened. He had me show him just what I did with the boys.


Written By: AJ
Call  AJ @ 1-866-935-9411

Strange Puddle



My uncle Jack has been staying with us this summer. Something about his wife and him getting caught. Not my problem!  Well, at least it wasn’t until this morning.

Between my uncle and my brothers, a girl needs to get up super early for her private shower time. I grab my soft fluffy towel, my pumpkin shower gel, and head for the bathroom. Maybe my shower toy, too! 

I turn the water on and hop in. I love a long, super hot shower. The water feels so nice. I lather myself up and wash nice and slow. Teasing my tiny tits, squeezing, and rubbing my nipples. I wash my pussy, nice and slow. I’m so ready for my toy.

Oh no, is someone already up and in bathroom? I wipe away the condensation on the shower door and look out. Nope, still all alone. I play with my pussy until I cum all over my toy. I lick it clean and toss it on the bathroom floor.  Is that something on the floor? Did the shower leak?

I stepped out of the shower to examine the puddle.  I put my finger in it and brought it to my mouth. It’s jizz, what the fuck?  Who jerked their cock to me in the shower?

I wonder if all jizz tastes the same? There’s only one way to see who did it, and that is to sample all the cum! Well, I need to know!


Written By: AJ
Call  AJ @ 1-866-935-9411

Daddy Always Says

          Whenever I would do something questionable, daddy would always tell me that actions have consequences. Maybe I like consequences, maybe I like to get into trouble. Of course, I just nodded my head like a good girl.

             I noticed that just when the sun is bright over our houses, I can see into my neighbor’s house. I know he must be able to see into mine then. That leaves me with some exciting possibilities. I mean, I am grounded all summer, so what else could I do?  Me being grounded has to do with daddy’s consequences.

After a few days of teasing my neighbor, I needed more. Daddy is at work and he never comes home until late. I made my way over to his house. He was super happy to see me. We ate snacks, drank yummy fruit punch, and then took a nap. I was having so much fun, but it was time to go home.

Now summer is just going by so quick. Before I know it, school will begin. The only thing is it’s been a month since I visited my neighbor. I’m starting to feel some of those consequences.  


Written By: AJ
Call  AJ @ 1-866-935-9411

Spit On That Thang

             Oh man, am I fucking mad!!  I’ve been using spit for lube as long as I can remember. I mean what better lube is there than warm spit right from my pretty mouth. Then some girl, not near as hot as me, goes “Hawk Tuah” and all the men lose their minds. 

Just imagine me spitting down my adorable cleavage for you to slide your cock back and forth. We like that, don’t we?  Now imagine me saying how slippery I need to make your cock before we fuck. 

Hawk Tuah, right on your sexy hard cock.  Then, of course, I lick up all my spit. 

My hot little mouth can go on and on about the uses of spit. Here is one you never thought of. Of course, with me a dry pussy is impossible, but you know older ladies like your wife.  I bet if her pussy isn’t wet enough, you can “spit on that thang”. 

Now that you know about spit, I bet you would rather it was me spitting on your cock.

Give me a call and I promise to Hawk Tuah you!


Written By: AJ
Call  AJ @ 1-866-935-9411



AJ Models For Neighbor

                  My favorite neighbor asked me if I wanted to model for him. He told me he has done photo shoots of all the cute neighbor girls. I’m a little mad that he has asked me last, but maybe he saved the best for last. That’s what my daddy always says when it’s my turn.

I arrived in my school clothes, but had many outfits to change into. We’re going to have so much fun! We did some poses that he said the other girls really enjoyed? No!! Stop talking about other girls. 

   After what seemed sort of boring poses, he said he had a suggestion. He said it was very special and only for me. Now, we are talking! He said I would have to take my clothes off and we could do a video. Yes, please!

He gave me a little drink to set the mood. He took off all his clothes. WOW!!!   He was so big, not like any cock I ever did see. We made our video and I went home. I got to thinking though, in all the excitement of the video, did he wear a condom?  


Written By: AJ
Call  AJ @ 1-866-935-9411