Well, I personally have had some very mild temperatures over the past few weeks which enabled me to get out into the yard and do a bit of work. I even had to mow my lawn, something that I usually don’t need to do until mid-may! As this was the case, I was a bit unprepared as far as the lawnmower was concerned and had a bit of a time trying to get the damn thing started. Over the winter someone had purchased the house across the street and I had no idea who my new neighbor was, it seemed they worked nights, as the car was always in the drive during the day but gone come 10pm. Well, as I stood on my lawn having an absolute fit, cussing and kicking and pulling my shoulder out of socket, I caught a glimpse out of the corner of my eye: tall, dark, ruggedly handsome with a 5 o’clock shadow and a sexy devilish grin sauntering in my general direction.
Oh My. When he opened his mouth, a southern drawl, smooth as velvet and twice as warm rolled off of his tongue, making my knees weak.
“Now, Ma’am…if it wasn’t dead to begin with I reckon you may have just finished the job…” then he winks. Oh that smile, wait..am I blushing? Indeed I was. Holy shit what is he, maybe 26? 27?? I feel like I have just won the goddamn lottery, what a summer this is going to be!
We chat about this and that, my mower, the weather, how he just moved up from Georgia, how he just turned 32 no kids, no pets, no ex! This is too good to be true! He gets my mower started for me and begins to mow my lawn!
Oh this boy is getting his cock sucked tonight, for sure! So he mows my entire lawn, I run in a grab him a beer, and ask him if he wants to come back over in a few hours as I would like to make him dinner as a thank you. He smiles that boyish smile, and accepts my offer with flushed cheeks. Only thing I cant figure out at this point is…Who is seducing Who? Stay Tuned!
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