I’m going to let you in on a little secret. When we get new male patients at the hospital, I always take a sneak peek of the goods. I’m always curious whats under the sheets.
The other nurses and I always play a game. We take bets on the patients cock size. Nurse Loretta knows her cocks and let’s just say, I haven’t lost too many bets.
I wait till patients are sleeping and I lift the covers and slide the gown over to expose their cocks. I give it a few strokes and maybe licks so I can get him hard. Most patients are so out of it, they have no idea what is going on. Then I get my little measuring tape out of my uniform pocket, just to make sure I am accurate.
I was in complete shock the other day when I saw this hunky man. I bet all the nurses that he had a 8.5 inch cock. When I lifted the covers from his hospital bed, I just started laughing. I had to call in the other nurses. He had a micro penis! Everyone’s phones were coming out to take pictures to share with their friends.
The gentleman woke up from all of our laughter and he was surrounded by 8 women all looking down at his tiny clit. He wanted to know what was going on so I thanked him. I told him I was having a shitty day until I saw your tiny dick and now I can’t stop laughing.

Written By: Nurse Loretta
Call Nurse Loretta @ 1-866-415-6829
Email- nurseloretta4phone@aol.com