Tag Archive for 'blond sluts for married cock'
I open my door, completely naked! Your mouth drops to the floor! It surely wasn’t what you were expecting when I called you up and asked you to stop by. You thought you were just coming over to discuss the reason why I haven’t been taking your wife’s calls. She has been my best friend for years and suddenly I stop talking to her, with no reason. But I had a reason! The reason is YOU! I can’t keep talking to your wife when all I can think about is fucking her husband. I have wanted you since the moment I laid eyes on you. The day you got married, I stood next to you wife and I was so upset. I fucked the best man that night but the whole time I was picturing you! And now I am going to finally have you! I don’t care what it may cost me, I have to have you!
I pull you inside my room, you are nervous. You know you should leave now, when you still can. But your feet won’t listen to your head. Your feet only listen to your cock and you cock is getting hard and your cock wants you to stay! The fact that you are a married man means nothing to me. I don’t even care that my best friend is your wife! When I want something, nothing matters.
I start unbuttoning your shirt, you know you should stop me. It’s the right thing to do. But you can’t. Your body won’t cooperate with your head. And even your head is starting to betray you. Suddenly you are wondering what my pussy will feel like when you push your cock inside it. And no worries, you will have your answer soon enough. Before you can do anything I have you naked, laying on my bed. You don’t know how it happened, it seems like seconds ago you were just knocking on my door. I am straddling your legs, grabbing your cock and lowering myself onto your cock. It feels like PURE ecstasy when I have your cock deep inside me.
I love married men, my best friend’s husband wasn’t my first and definitely won’t be my last.