Like my favorite song goes,”You got to show me!”
Show me your love and passion with tender sweet hungry kisses. Make love to me for hours, and spend the night in my bed. Kiss me in the morning before a shower, with no make up, even before I have brushed my teeth, and tell me that I have never looked more beautiful to you.
Show me by placing your hand on my back as you escort me through a crowded room. Let all the other girls in the room know that you are my guy.
It is great to hear, “I love you,” but don’t just say it. Show me! Look at me like I am in the only girl in the room for you. Kiss me in front of your old girl friend. Wake up before dawn and take me to my favorite beach and make love to me as the sun rises.
Show me that you are always thinking of me. Call me in the middle of the night. Tell me that you need to hear my sweet sexy voice and that you need me to help you cum so you can get back to sleep.
Like the song goes, “You got to show me that Love is a Verb”
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