Let’s make some noise…

I have a really sexy voice. I don’t think that makes me cocky to say that. But it’s true. But does that mean I can sing? Hell no! I cannot sing. I can harmonize but I don’t plan on making any records anytime soon. But I love music. And to me, every time I cum it’s like music to my ears! I think some guys like to listen to music, and some guys like to hear me cum! I love that fact that just hearing my voice or just hearing me cum turns guys one! I love knowing that I can make a guy cum over the phone. It’s such a turn on to me. So even though I can’t sing, I do have one hell of a voice and one hell of a sexy moan. So why don’t you call me up and I will sing in my own way to you! I bet we could make some beautiful music together!!! So give me a call!

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