After talking with loser boy for a little over an hour I just knew it was time to give one of my hot Klassy Kat girlfriends a call so we could KO his stupid ass, lol! This little fucker was so desperate for me he gave me everything I wanted. It had been awhile since we last talked and loser boy couldn’t stop telling me how much he missed me. I called up Sidney so we could do some more damage to his weak wallet. As always, loser boy has a problem saying no to me and of course I took advantage of that. Sidney and I raped his wallet until he couldn’t take anymore abuse. Loser boy had to bust out another credit card to keep me and Sidney interested in him, LOL! We didn’t need the money, we just took it cause that’s how we roll. I still haven’t decided if loser boy gets to talk to me again. Getting your wallet raped by Kendall is a privilege and don’t ever forget that. I prefer talking to real men instead of dickless losers. So whenever I’m in the mood for some wallet fucking it’s always best to have a couple of back up credit cards.
I’m a spoiled princess and I already have everything I want or need so I raped loser boy’s wallet for the lulz.
xoxo, Kendall
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