Many of my friends are high paid escorts but there are times a client lives out of town or they want to be met in another country. Many just aren’t up for the adventures so they suggest me. I am up for absolutely fucking anything! Who wouldn’t be up for travel, an exciting man and very naughty paid for sex.
My client last week wanted a more submissive woman who would be up for putting on a show for his important clients. While I packed I imagined the excitement to be used like a fuck toy. You know men usually bow at my feet and a woman needs to be treated like a whore sometimes.
I was given one night after all the festivities to rest by myself before going back home. I tried to rest but all the filthy things I did were going through my head and I wanted more. I found my way to a dark bar and let every man and women take me till I could barely walk. I know you have been looking at my pictures and blogs wanting to make me your slut and use all my hot holes. Use me, I am ready for more!
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