Paying Rent the Naughty Way

What’s a girl to do when she’s tight on money and rent is due? Why not seduce the pervy old landlord until he is putty in my sexy hands!

This is exactly what I did.

He stopped by my place last night banging on the door for his money. I decided to change the atmosphere a bit so I slipped into my sexy black lingerie and let him in. “Oh I’m so sorry, I know I’m late this month but it’s just that I have had so many expenses.”

I twisted my hair and seductively licked my lips while he made an effort to get angry. But, I knew he wasn’t going to stay mad when I watched his jeans start to bulge.

Down on my naughty knees I went, and with each tiny nibble, kiss, and lick I slowly paid off my debt.



Written By: Alexis
Call  Alexis @ 1-866-415-6927


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