I started my new job this week. And I swear this job I am not going to get personal. It really sucked when I got fired from my last job. I mean why didn’t the Vice President get fired too? Politics I guess. Fire the secretary, she’s replaceable! It’s total bull shit. I mean he slept with me just as much as I slept with him. I don’t know what it is about married guys that makes me fall for them. It really sucks. I fall for all these guys and end up getting hurt. But I guess that’s what love is about. And I should just enjoy the time I have with them. So my two new resolutions are, Don’t Get Personal At Work, that means no sleeping with anyone employed with the company or anyone who does business with the company. And my second resolution is, Don’t Fall In Love With Married Men! I love sleeping with them, don’t get me wrong. I don’t think I could EVER stop sleeping with them. I mean someone has to give them what their wives can’t. But I will not let my heart get involved anymore! I will not fall in love anymore. At least not with married men who have no intention of leaving their wives! Yes! These are 2 resolution I have to stick with. For the sake of my sanity! One problem, my boss is married and is very sexy! But I will be strong! I can withstand the temptation.
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