Weather’s getting cold and summer fun is long over. Not much else to do but stay in and watch movies, read, listen to music, and DRINK! I bet a cold one or two would feel so good going down your parched throat. Maybe you have a little smoke or some powder? Let’s play!
Just look at me? You want to make me happy, don’t you? I tell you what would make me happy. Call me and let’s get wasted. When I say let’s, I mean you. Just you, I won’t drink with you. Not a fucking drop! You on the other hand, will drink for me.
See how my nipples stiffen when you put that bottle to your lips. Maybe I’m thinking about what else those lips can do? Or probably not! No love, I’m not laughing at you. Just maybe laughing with you.
Time to spark one up for me, don’t you think? A few puffs, another shot, and you’re making me so very happy. I do wonder if my pussy is getting wet for you? Doubtful!
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