Mommy takes you to the doctor for a check-up. There is a new doctor in town, a lady doctor. She is pretty just like Mommy.
She takes your temperature, your blood pressure and looks at your chart. She smells nice and you can see down her blouse. Her bra is lacy and pretty. You’re excited and nervous having a lady doctor.
She says that it is time for your first “big boy” appointment. She tells you to take off your pants. You look confused and concerned. She sends the nurse to bring Mommy into the room.
Mommy and the doctor are whispering. Mommy comes over to you, rubs her fingers through your hair and says that everything is going to be fine. This is a special exam for big boys. She explains the details of the exam. The explanation makes you dizzy.
While Mommy takes off your underpants, she explains something about the pretty doctor’s finger in your butt and she needs to give your balls a little squeeze. Something about a semen sample.
Mommy promises that it will be okay. Mommy whispers in your ear, “relax, you might actually enjoy this. Be a good boy and Mommy will give you a big boy present when you get home.”

Written By: Mommy Morgan
Call Morgan @ 1-866-307-4657