Tag Archive for 'erotic conversation'

See You Soon, Neighbor!

My door is always open and my bed is always warm. I’m not ashamed to admit that I am a woman with many desires and I make sure I see them fulfilled. I love nothing more than fulfilling yours as well, and I savor every moment doing so. Your hot sex kitten next door is always ready to take care of your throbbing cock. And, you know that I will do all the things that she will never do.

I am not blind, I see that you look at me every chance you get. I know you’re a happily married man but something is defiantly missing in the bedroom. I will more than satisfy every aching desire you have and leave you wanting more.

Let’s have a secret rendezvous tonight! I know where she works, and I can make sure she’ll be calling you to tell you she needs to stay late. See you soon, neighbor!

Creamy Chloe



Written By: Chloe
Call Chloe @ 1-866-949-4106
Email- creamychloe@yahoo.com







Where Dreams Take Us

I’m a dreamer and I mean this in more ways than one. I have very vivid, real life dreams and always remember them. The cool thing is, sometimes I even realize that I am dreaming while in the actual dream and this is where the adventures really begin. I can transport to other places, call in any lover I desire and do all the things well that I only dream about. Being the sensually erotic woman that I am, you can guess where most of my dreams take me. That’s right, deep in a lovers arms making wild, passionate love in some exotic, unknown place. Maybe this is part of the reason why I love role playing on the phone with you, I don’t know but whatever the reason I absolutely love it.

Care to share some erotic dream time with me now? I will be waiting to meet you there.



Coming out on Valentines Day

He has always been this way for as long as he can remember. “Jade when I look at women I look only to see what they are wearing, what kind of manicure, hairstyle and make-up. It’s been this way my entire life.  I never look for sexual reasons only to  admire and to learn how to be a woman.” My heart went out to him instantly as I heard the sincerity in his voice this isn’t ‘t a fantasy or some sort of role play but very much his reality. Eager to hear more I began to gently probe while giving him my undivided attention. We discussed my experience growing up with a cross dressing brother and the hardships that come along with being “unique.” Society isn’t kind to those who step outside the box of what is considered the “norm” and though I think it’s a different world today than years ago we still have a long way to go. I listened as he told me his desires to be a woman and how he feels his very best,complete even when he able to do so. Manicures, lingerie, make up and pretty clothes, sparkling jewelry these are the things he enjoys in the privacy of his home.  Behind close doors he indulges in what makes him most happy being his true self a sensual, sexy woman. As our conversation continued I learned of his relationship with “B” a gorgeous T-girl (tranny) that loves and accepts him just the way he is.  The two share a very open and beautiful thing it was very moving for him to share such intimate details.  I thanked him profusely and just then the thought occurred to me.  Why not “come out” on Valentines eve and share his special moment with his beautiful “B”.  I can’t think of a better time so I decided to play cupid and shoot my arrow. My aim must have been good because the next day I recieved an email with a picture attached of the dress he and his lover picked out for him to wear a very special night for two. Again,moved,I instantly replied elated for them both. I sincerely wish you only the best my beautiful “Jessica” and I know that you and your lover are going to have a most memorable and erotic evening.  Please do not doubt yourself be proud of who you are and revel in the moment of finally “coming out”.  I hope you feel like a movie star this night because I know in my heart of hearts you will certainly look like one. Do not be afraid to be who you truly are inside no matter what anyone says you are beautiful to me, always. Thank you for sharing with me I look so forward to hearing all about your grand evening and wish you many,many more to come.

Much love and harmony,


Erotically taboo and a little twisted~

I have a very dirty mind and I will admit to being into some “kink” that not everyone digs.  There are a lot of you that do though 😉 When I’m on the phone with you, I can let go of all inhibition and guilt even and be as erotically wicked with you as I want.  And, sometimes it get’s very hardcore extreme.  Smile.  I don’t mind in fantasy I will go to those taboo places with you anytime and genuinely dig it.  I am always real with you on the phone I will tell you if it’s something I’m not into because I don’t like to fake it.  My guy’s appreciate this about me and in return I get down on my knees cock sucking, ass licking, pussy fucking, ball draining dirty with them.  Makes for a wicked hot call!

They love to hear me get off to a fantasy or fetish that also brings them intense pleasure.  Its seriously way cool and sexy and the reason I love being your “slightly twisted” phone sex slut. Maybe not twisted but in a way I guess we all are.

Kinky Kisses on your mushroom head,



Dirty Mind

Sometimes I shock even myself with my dirty thoughts and especially when I’m like out in public doing my thing.  If only the men around me knew what this hot blonde slut thinks about.  I am absolutely, positively addicted to manipulating you men to get what I want.  What I need and what I most certainly deserve.

Do you even think you would stand half a frigging chance if I decided to seduce you in your office or while dining out?  I know I would be able to claim that cock of yours and make it mine.  No doubt in my mind at all.  I would just use my obvious ASSets to pull you in so deep you couldn’t possibly get out. You wouldn’t want out. Trust me.

So be a little or a lot bad with me I know your cock will thank you. Besides who doesn’t need a dirty-minded hot slut to play with?

Hot licks,


Talk dirty to me!

Taboo conversation can be just as hot as any other phone sex call in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong I love role playing and using my cuck boys and subs sluts but…yeah. It’s dirty, kinky, deep and truly taboo to talk about your most secret inner desires.

I know I tap into all sorts of kinky shit I never knew I liked.  When we talk dirty and explore a fantasy or fetish it really does make me so hot.  And, OMG so bad…I’m really such a bad girl those of you who play with me know this lol. Bit of a bitch too but hey…you love me anyways!

So, I’m hoping for some open kinky sex talk and the more taboo the better.  Want to get a little or a lot wicked with Jade?  Give me a buzz….kisses!

Erotic weekend fantasys

I hope you naughty men out there have a very sexy weekend.  I will be here all evening in case you get lonely and care to share some time together.

I love talking to all my sissy boy’s and abies out there but there is also a time when I need to be with a well…a “real man”.  Shhhhhhh I better not say that to loud *tehe*

I love to watch a hungry man eat and the pleasure his man cock when he is finished.  Sometimes during actually,  I dated a guy who liked for me to suck him under the table at restaurants.  Was so hot to be so kinky in public.

What is your most erotic fantasy or fetish?  Think of it…and give me a call.  I would love to share mine too.

Triple XXX kisses,
