Last weekend I did something out of my norm. I was feeling oh so horny and my friend told me how you could meet people on craigslist, sure enough all sorts of posts. I went on their and found a couple wanting to meet a very sexy bi female to spice up their bed room. We chatted online for a bit and then she called me to make sure I was really a she. (I guess they had a lot of men chatting with So after the phone call we thought, hey let’s meet up tonight for some drinks and see if we match up and we can take it from there. I ran into the shower, shaved everything and got as sexy cute as I could. I wanted to be with a couple so bad. I love being banged hard from behind while I lick pussy. That has to be hands down my favorite thing to do. Needless to say everyone was attracted to everyone and we played around in the parking lot for awhile. We have been talking all week and they invited me over for dinner and drinks Saturday night and well… to play I am sure. I can’t wait. I have been craving this for some time now and can picture every little detail in my head. If you want to know the details.. you know what to do, I’ll share them. I love telling my stories
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