I LOVE kids

I had just had my second son. Giving birth is a hell of a lot easier the second go around and this time I knew exactly what to do. I brought him home two days after he was born and continued nursing him. One afternoon I was changing his diaper and had him all cleaned up when I noticed he had a little erection as is common for new born infants. They have no idea what sex is but they get a hard on and it apparently hurts. My son began to cry and whale and I hated seeing my new infant in pain. I knew what I had to do and didn’t hesitate. I carried him to my bed and laid him down and began to nurse and suck his cock. It was very tiny but that didn’t mean I didn’t give it my undivided attention. I sucked nice and hard wrapping my lips around it and as he did he settled down and I was able to breast feed and nurse him as scheduled. Now I must admit I wasn’t thrilled at having a second son. I really really desperately wanted a little girl to pamper and dress up and in anticipation I painted my youngest son’s room pink and bought all kinds of cute dresses and girly hats. Now that he was a boy however you may assume I was left with a huge dilemma and you’d be assuming wrong. I wasn’t about to let all my little girl’s clothes go wasted or unused so I dressed him up in cute little outfits and pretended he was a little girl. He’d wear a cute pink dress one day and a girl’s hat the next with little pink socks. I thought she just looked adorable. The only thing reminding me he was a boy was his Daddy’s liking and fascination with his cock. My husband just loved to fondle him and it became quite the game of pleasure, nurture and hide and seek. As they boys aged I got involved too. I’d have my oldest son get his milk off his baby’s brother’s tiny penis. I’d lactate and squirt the milk on his little cock and told my oldest that if he wanted to eat he needed to nurse and suck his brother’s cock and thus a wonderful family tradition began. Anytime he was hungry I squirted milk on his cock and his brother nursed off him licking and sucking him clean. It was a wonderful experience one that actually goes back one more generation.

1 Response to “I LOVE kids”

  • Oh Trudy, you naughty slut mommy! I can’t help but feel that you wrote this blog entry with me in mind and you knew that I would fill the crotch of my pink panties with warm cum when I read it didn’t you? You pushed my pervy buttons and my cock exploded and turned my panties into a creamy swamp. Not to worry…I took them off and licked and sucked up all the cum just as you knew I would.

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