Bless me father for I have sinned. I try to be a good person, but my deviant sex drive makes it so hard to be good. A close friend of mine opened a little shop across from a Catholic Church. I was raised Catholic, but hadn’t been to church in ages. The Priest was young and hot. You can just imagine the thoughts in my dirty little mind. Did I imagine him looking me up and down. I had to do something to meet him and see what he was all about. Cooped up with no sex can make a man pretty twisted. My kind of man.
How exactly does one meet a Priest if they’re to selfish to volunteer and don’t go to church? They go to confession, of course.
Saturday morning I dragged myself out of a warm bed with a hot couple and went to church. I went in the confessional and spilled my guts. I told him everything from my first fuck at 12 to the couple in my bed and everything in between. He got very quiet and I could hear sighs and moans. I got a Priest to jerk it, but I want to fuck him silly. I need for him to be talking in tongues before we’re done.
I went into his side of the confessional. Bless me father, for I have really sinned. I have fucking sinned more than anyone I know. Bless you father, for now you’re about to sin in a way you can never go back to what you were.
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