So I have ALWAYS wanted to be with 2 black guys! It has just always been a dream of mine. And well I finally decided to go for it. I went to a New Year’s Day Night party on Saturday, ALONE! My boyfriend of course was out of town and left me lonely for the holidays. So I needed to find something to do. I have a friend, Heath who is black and also gay. I never thought of hooking up with Heath, because of the whole “him liking guys” thing. But he’s very good looking and I saw his cock a few times and it looked like it would feel sooooo good sliding into my pussy! Well the party was kind of a low key thing, just a handful of Heath’s close friends. One of the guys there was Wes, another black guy and of course I thought he was gay as well. So when he started hitting on me I totally thought that he was just being friendly. Apparently I was wrong. Wes likes to swing his door BOTH WAYS!!! So I was pretty horny and I really wanted to hook up with Wes once I knew I was in the running. But I guess Heath wished he was in the running as well. And since he was the host I was more than willing to share! Boy!!! Gay guys and Bi-Sexual guys sure know how to make a girl have a good time! Usually I feel bad after cheating on my boyfriend but for some reason after that night I don’t feel bad at all!!!! I feel good and wish I could have round two!!! Maybe the next time my bf is out of town!
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