Hot Office Sex

When I was in college, I had a really great school job working for my uncle, who is a prominent realtor in my hometown. He has a few agents working for him, and most of the time, they were out in the field, showing houses, etc. So alot of the time, I held down the fort at the office, working part time as his girl Friday.

My uncle had a hot guy doing maintenance on the houses, fixing some of them up to sell. He was a regular visitor to the office when I was there, which I really think was no coincidence. He wasn’t the best looking guy but wasn’t bad looking either and he flirted with me relentlessly. I always dressed up working for my uncle because I wanted to look my best, of course. It didn’t take long for “J.R.” to notice just how HOT I was always dressed. One day he talked me into closing the blinds to the windows and locking up the office, saying we were closed and would be back in an hour. You can just imagine the hot sex that we had in that office! His hands and his lips were amazing, pushing me up onto the desks, him sliding between my naked thighs, giving me amazing cunnilingus, making me cream myself, and using me over and over and over again for his pleasure! My huge tits were on fire where his hands and then his lips were all over them. And then finally, when I thought I couldn’t absolutely take any more, he took my dripping hot cunt with his huge hung throbbing rod of a cock! It literally made me see stars behind my eyes! Yes, I definitely had a great time working for good ole Uncle!

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