If you’re out there, and you’re reading this right now, I just want you and the rest of the world to know how much fun I had fucking you in your tight, virgin asshole last night. I know that you thought you must have been the luckiest man in the club, being seen walking out with me on your arm. I know that you noticed all the other men’s jealous eyes trained on you. I could feel them watching my tight, perky ass and my gorgeous tits as I shook and swayed my way out the door. I could feel my cock getting hard as we made our way out the door, and I was just hoping that it would not be too obvious, as my asscheeks were already hanging out the bottom of my schoolgirl miniskirt. Little did you know that as your hand creeped lower and lower down my ass, it was getting closer and closer to the surprise I had in store for you soon. The look on your face was priceless when you finally stopped sucking on my beautiful tits after our hour long makeout session on your couch and actually pulled down my panties. I must admit that I was a little bit surprised when you said “Fuck it” and started to stroke my cock with one hand while the other slowly swirled around my tight, pink asshole, your mouth still gently nibbling at my perfect little nipples. I could tell by the way your cock was starting to swell and throb that you were curious, that you wanted to know how it felt to have another man inside you. Best of both worlds, I bet you kept telling yourself… No one will ever know, right? Well, you’re lucky that I don’t remember your name from all the Cosmopolitans you were feeding me. Jeff, John, Jerry? Some shit that started with a J, at any rate. I remember the way you turned around and looked at me with wild abandon and fire in your eyes when you felt the tip of my perfect cock start to swirl around your asshole. I knew you would explode quickly, but I didn’t think you’d blow your load all over those Dior satin sheets the second I reached your prostate… Oh, you didn’t know you had a g-spot too? Well, I guess we all learn something new every day, right? At any rate, I can’t remember your name, but I do remember you cumming over and over again all over those black satin sheets. Or formerly black, at any rate. I hope I see you again soon, I really can’t wait to see that look in your eyes once more, that look of surprise and delight at how incredible it feels to have a cock inside you while a pair of perfect tits brushes against your back and shoulders. Anyway, I’ll be waiting and watching. I can’t wait to see you again, whatever your name is…
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