Tag Archive for 'wallet fucking'

Purrrfect Young Pussy

So silky smooth, super tight,hot pink and lickable. Now that you have fucked around with your wife’s much younger sister her cunt will never again  be enough. You found the perfect young pussy to put your dick in though it don’t exactly come cheap. I have you where I want you by your cum filled balls with dollar signs flashing all around them.  I will keep giving you my itty bitty honey hole for the right price and I bet you would pawn your shit just to keep your young sex kitten around. It’s an addiction you can’t get away from because you know I already own your dick and your wallet. Every time you are pumping my hot young pussy you tell yourself it’s the last. But your cock can’t let you quit, it only wants my honey.  Don’t you wanna fuck me now before she get’s home?

Bad Girl Kisses,


Teasing you to the edge

I absolutely love teasing you and making that naughty cock of yours throb! I’m definitely a natural born cock tease no doubt and my sexy little body and naughty young voice will make you ache. Oh, I do love it when I hear you moaning and begging for release. “Please Miss Sidney may I cum for you?” But, I’m not always ready to let you shoot your sticky, hot load. Will you be a good boy for me and earn it? Perhaps it’s time for you to worship my hot, young booty for awhile in front of all my friends! I bet you will do whatever it takes to explode for me.

*Blowing naughty kisses 2 u*

Ciao 4 now naughty man!

Sinful Sidney

Taking it all…and then some

Daddy isn’t the only man I know how to get my way with, is he? You came over because you knew my parent’s were gone for the weekend. Something about “checking in on me” for them.  Yeah right! I knew you were checking on much more, like my hot little teen cunnie. I know you have been waiting for this moment and now at last you could seek out your prey. You are an older pedo perv with a major fetish for underage meat so I fit that bill very nicely. You slyly seduced your way to my bedroom but little did you know I was on to you from the start. And, if we are gonna play, you are gonna pay. So, I went through your fat wallet and picked the cards I liked best then little by little I gave you what you wanted. The more I teased and played with my hot teen twat the more $$ you gave to the support the cause. *tehehe* You remind me of our old neighbor who used to buy all my fund raising stuff just for a peek at my bald cunnie. Mmm but you wanted more than just a peek you wanted to taste and then you begged to stuff your huge, throbbing pedo cock inside my tiny honey hole. Finally, you paid up enough to get all you wanted and I even gave you some extra creamy panties to take home with you.  Thanks for checking up on me, maybe you should come by again tonight I am feeling extra naughty.

Kiss Kiss Kiss,


Earn it sub boy!!

If you have ever considered serving a hot teen Princess then you shall look no further. I am the sexiest, young Princess around with the tightest pussy ever perfect for worshiping. Do what you gotta do, get that late night job, work extra shifts, cut your neighbor’s lawn I don’t really care as long as you give it all to MEEEEEEEEEEEE. You gotta work hard and give me lot’s of $$$$ if you want me to give it up to you. And, we both know how undeniably bad you want to taste my perfect bald pussy.

Get off your ass and work, earn that money so you can serve me. You know I deserve it all!! *giggles*

My Darling Sissy

You are totally friggin addicted to me, my sexy voice, naughty giggles and of course, my scorching hot, young body. There really isn’t anything you will not do for your Sidney is there? I have put you to the test on numerous occasions and you passed with flying colors. Forcing you to suck cock and be a good little sissy. Giving you drops of my sweet sex nectar as a reward and watching you grovel and whine for all that I have. Dressing you in pretty, pink lingerie and tattooing my name on your sissy shaft.  Nice reminder of who owns that cock isn’t it? S-I-D-N-E-Y owns it and all of you including your wallet. I say where you spend your money and you better believe it goes to me first.  Perhaps, I will give you an allowance, I don’t know yet just depends on how hard you work and how much you earn for me. The point is, you do as you are told and when you do not the bitch in me comes out  to rip you a new one isn’t that right sissy? I know all your most inner secrets and I have ways of making it known to all if you are not careful. You must always please me and do as you are told..or else.

Kisses, Ciao 4 Now!

Miss Sidney

Seducing You

It will not take much I can assure you that your cock will immediately respond to me the second I walk in the room. Such a hot coed tease always making you wish for younger days. It’s true I’m young but I know what I want and it’s your cock rock hard and throbbing for a taste of me. I want you to want me like you have never before.  Sexy, slutty, seductive I prance across the room posing in my tiny thong and strappy heels making your mouth water and your dick ache for more. Will I give you more?  I don’t know I guess it depends on what you can do for me…$$$$$.

Seductive Licks,


Princess is back!

Spring break was like so sweet and I had lot’s of naughty fun being a hot beach bunny too!  But, now I’m back and well I really need some cash to do some “back from vacation” shopping. *tehehe*  Awwww my money piggies know Princess loves to shop ,it’s my heroin OMG, and you also know how gracious I get when I have plenty of $$$$$ to spend.  So, I am going to allow you to call and tip your pay piggie ass off.  Oh, yes I am and you can just go ahead and get that big, fat wallet out and get ready. Princess has some dirty stories to tell you about my trip.  And, just look at my tan, I am a summer time Princess now all golden, blonde and baby smooth.  You know you want to worship my body head to my sexy Princess toes. Don’t be a bad boy and keep me waiting!!


French Nail Worship

Another submissive wimp called Princess to confess his undying love and servitude, of course, but he also had another confession to make.  He has a major fetish for long, french manicured nails and was hoping that Princess would indulge him.  Hmmmm…I took my time to consider this invitation after all, I didn’t exactly know this sub and how would I truly know his sincerity?  I gave him a hint and I’m sure you can guess how one might prove one’s worth to Princess.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

You got it “show me the money baby”.  After he so generously tipped me I allowed him to call.  I knew that he would love to hear my long, sex nails tap on the phone so when I answered that was the first thing I did.  He moaned and begged his Princess for more and I gave him more.  Then he begged for me to type on my keyboard where he could hear my pretty french nails tapping the keys.  I decided to tease him unmercifully and slowly ran my nails up and down hot, yummy Princess body while he watched from the corner of my bedroom.  But, when I slid my fingers under my panties and then allowed him to lick my long,french nails clean he exploded!

I like all kinds of fetish play I guess I am just the kind of Princess.  Anyways, be a good boy and spoil me today just like my subbie with the french nail fetish.

$Here piggy piggy$

It is almost Spring Break and I need a shopping spree in the biggest way so all you money piggies need to pay up!!! I mean you know you don’t want Princess to do without do you? Isn’t my ultimate happiness what you work for in the first place? I mean really take out a loan or better yet use that tax return money on ME! I don’t really care how you get it I just know I want it and I deserve it.  You don’t want your Princess looking shabby on the beach do you? NO YOU DO NOT!!  So, do what you gotta do but do it quick cuz the mall is calling my name and it just will not wait.  Tip me,spoil me,pamper me spend your last dime on me. That’s right your very last penny…be a good boy and don’t delay.


Do your duties sub boy!

Well, I really do think is time for you to get busy doing your “subish” duties and come worship my perfect Princess booty!! That’s right you heard your Princess correct what are you waiting for slave? I have trained you well you know your place now do the work.  And, I mean do it well and NOW! I have been snowed in all week not even able to go to the mall to shop and I’m not in the mood to be messed with.  I need some worshiping and I need it now.  When I am finally satisfied, that is if you are able to satisfy me, then you can leave me a big, fat $$tip$$.  You heard me get your wallet out and serve me too.

Princess is waiting…but don’t make me wait to long or punishment may be necessary.