I cannot express to you how much I love my callers! I have spoken to so many of you this week and have had so much fun with each and every one of you!
Here are some of the highlights from my week!
I had my number one panty boy call to let me know he got another pair of my panties! In fact he called me quite a few times taking advantage of my cheap phone sex specials. He sure loves having our girlfriend time together! But so do I!
I had fun watching porn with one of my favorite loyal customers! That sure does get my pussy juices flowing! And he loves hearing me cum!
I spoke with a few newbies, one who did a really hot role play where I got to be a teasing slut who needed to be taught a lesson by a black guy with a huge cock! One who wanted a little CBT, I hope he liked all the things I made him do to himself! And another newbie who wanted to talk about Uncle Jesse from Full House
I ended my night last night with a call from another one of my favs! The Chocolate Hammer always knows how to give it me! I love being his white pony! He sure does take care me and treat me right too!
So thank you to everyone who really made my week fly by and helped me have the best week ever! Love you guys!