I love seeing my pay piggies line up! It makes me wet thinking about all the money my financial slaves will be shelling out. Just to make sure I look like the cream of the crop. Sexy stiletto heels, thigh high stockings and of course a stock pile of those itty bitty skirts that the boys love! As I pile my bags and packages on top of the already heaping mound of goodies, I look at you and laugh. “I love financially dominating you and your wallet” It gives me so much satisfaction to see you working two jobs, just to supply me with my wants! Yes, I am that spoiled bitch. I want to take your credit card and ruin you! Don’t forget about that new laptop pink of course! I am a spoiled brat and will get what I want. I deserve it. Feel honored that I allow you pathetic insignificant money slaves to buy me things. So, jack ass, get your wallet ready, and watch as I single handily ruin every financial aspect of your insignificant inferior life!
Tag Archive for 'financial domination phonesex'
So daddy is pissed at me because I got yet another speeding ticket and he decided to cut off my spending allowance. So I ended out spending my college book money on liquor for a sorority party I threw the other night for a friends bday. So here I am needing this $295 book and of course I can’t ask daddy for it or I will just have to listen to him bitch about me spending my school money on party stuff.
So a girlfriend of mine recommended that I do some part time escorting. I wonder what all I would have to do to earn enough to buy the book I need? I guess its going to be Teen Princess gone Prostitute unless someone wants to feel sorry for me and donate to the “buy kenzie a college book” fund.
So being I certainly don’t want to have to be an escort , I prefer to keep all of my fucking personal and with guys I actually want to fuck….I am running a special this week. The special is that I will rape your wallet double this week! Whatever your normal tips are for me this week plan on doubling that up. Paying tribute should now be considered a lifeline for you. Don’t make me ask either, dig deep and dig often. My sweet voice and crazy imagination will make it worth your while. *wink*
Me and you have a hot date in some exotic vacation spot. Enjoying the beautiful beaches together, getting massages together and most importantly is me showing you constantly how much I appreciate your generosity and attentiveness. Sure I cost you quite a bit of money, but look at me…I am worth every penny!
You are my sugar daddy with benefits and in our own special way it works for both of us. I must admit, I love your tongue and cock, so that is like icing on the cake!
Yesterday I got a call from my newest little money pig. He was way too weak to resist me. Like most of you are. But this little piggy needed to know his place and needed to know what I am capable of. I must say how good it felt every time I got to swipe his visa! This little money pig called me three times on our first night! Although that isn’t a record by any means, the amount he spent during the 3 calls is a new broken record. I fucked his wallet harder than I have EVER fucked anyones! He might just be my new favorite little piggy!
My new little piggy wanted me to tell everyone how much he loves financial domination phone sex because he is so pathetic and weak! And of course he said calling me was calling the best of the best! I hurt his wallet pretty bad yesterday but he did let me know he’d be calling soon! I can’t wait to talk to me new little ATM machine and let him know how fucking pathetic and weak he is that he can’t even control his own money, he’s gotta give it to me!
Who’s got your money now????
I am a BITCH, a hardcore bitch through and through. Don’t you ever forget it and don’t you ever think differently. I am not some sweet little fuck doll. I am a Dominating Bitch who doesn’t like to be messed with. I don’t want these pathetic losers calling me thinking they can change me, they can over power me, they can dominate me. I am not that girl. I do not role play being dominant, I AM DOMINANT!!! Guys call me to get fucked, not to fuck me! This isn’t an act, I don’t pretend to be a bitch. I don’t pretend to be dominating, it’s how I am.
You guys would love to be able to have balls as big as mine. You can take your little manginas to hell and fuck yourself! Literally! If I am going to let a guy fuck me, it’s going to be a REAL man! One with a big cock, and balls that he actually has possession of.
So just a warning to all you guys out there. I am a bitch and I do bite! HARD!
The last time I fucked your Wallet?
I didn’t mean for it to hurt too much! But I know you like the pain! As much as it may hurt to have your wallet fucked, you enjoy it and you keep cumming back for more. You like it, you love how every time you get fucked, you get fucked harder and harder! I know it leaves you a little sore after wards but it leaves you with a HUNGER! A hunger for more! I know that sometimes you are scared and afraid of me. But you are more scared of not calling me. You’re not sure anyone can fuck you like I can! You love how sweet I seem but yet I am not sweet at all! No sweet girl can fuck you the way that I do! As much as you FEAR me, you NEED me!
So call me, open that wallet for me! Let me fuck you! You know that you love how I fuck you and your wallet!
For the rest of you, Happy Valentine’s Day! I know you all love phone sex and loving having fun with all of us sexy girls! Well make sure this Valentine’s Day you give your special phone sex girl a little something special! After all she’s the one who makes you cum like no one else can!!!
Open up that FAT wallet of yours! You know that’s all that I want from you! I want your money! One of my favorite money pigs gave me a really sweet tip tonight! Thanks *M* You know the way to a girls heart…. with your wallet! *M* and I had a long talk tonight! He thought giving me a $20 tip was going to be okay! To give a girl like me a $20 tip is like a SLAP in the face! I mean really? You think that’s going to make me happy! HELL NO! I deserve more! I’ve never not gotten what I want from one of my money pigs! My Money pigs always treat me well! They don’t ever want to face the consequences! But don’t be scared of me, I am a sweetheart, as long as you keep that wallet open WIDE for me!
Do you have a FAT wallet? Want me to help you shrink it? If you want the best, call Phoenix Money Fucking is what comes easy to me!
I want you to drink for me! Go and buy that 12 pack that has been calling your name! I want you to drink all of it and start doing some shots too! I want to get you loose! Get you frisky! I want you horny and unable to tell me no. When you start to drink, that’s when you get weak. That’s when you can’t resist me. Not that it’s easy to do sober either but when I have you drunk there’s just no way you can resist me. And I like it when you can’t turn me down. I like it when you can’t so no to me! That’s when you give me more. That’s when you show me how much you really love me. That’s when I like you the most. I like it when you are treating me like the goddess I am and deserve to be treated like.
So do it! I dare you! Drink for me! Get drunk and call me!
I am the straight up girl who doesn’t take shit from anyone! And I don’t put up with losers either! If you want the sweet girl next door, well you’re calling the wrong girl. If I don’t like where the call is going, I will hang up on your ass! That is what you will get from me. If I don’t like what you are saying, I’m not going to speak to you until you start to say something worth replying to. I am not fake and I am not submissive. I am real and I am hardcore. Love me or leave me! I don’t give a shit. I don’t need you! Fuck, I don’t even want you! But you NEED ME and you WANT ME. And I am willing to put up with you for a price!
I’m Lacey James BITCH! And don’t you forget it!
I have given up the biggest shopping day of the year to be here to dominate all of you pathetic worms. A Superior female such as myself deserves to be compensated for such a sacrifice. Time for all you pathetic sissy’s to show me how much you appreciate me for being in control of your worthless excuses for lives. Pay tribute! My preferred method of receiving tribute is a gift certificate from www.amazon.com . Email them to eroticleanne@aim.com and also drop me an email so I know which of my pansy toys it was that adored their Mistress enough to show appreciation. What are you waiting on? Click the link and pull out your credit card, now!