Incest phone sex

I just love incest phone sex! And just a secret between us? I love incest for real too! Even though my Daddy never fucked me (I wish he did though) my older brother caught me masturbating when I was 14 and it wasn’t long after that we were fucking all the time. I don’t know what it is about the taboo stuff we shouldn’t do or talk about, but it makes my young pink pussy all wet and I just can’t keep my hands out of my panties *giggle*

I love all kinds of incest phone play, Daddy/daughter, Mother/son, brother/sister, aunt/nephew or Uncle/niece. I have no limits and no taboos, I really do it all! And if it’s ageplay you like, I can be your baby girl or you can be my very young brother or even son!

Naughty Raylin

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