I KNOW!!!!!

That’s right, you pathetic piece of SHIT! You think I don’t know. You think you can get away with it??? REALLY??? Well honestly all I have to say is FUCK YOU!!! I own you! You know I own you. As much as you hate to admit that, it’s the cold hard truth!!! You always thought I was this sweet girl, the nice girl who money fucks! Well from now on there is no more Miss Nice Girl! She is gone because you pissed her off! You thought I fucked that fucking wallet of yours hard before, well you ain’t seen NOTHING yet!!!!

So I DARE YOU! I dare you to pick that phone up and call me. You know you need to. You know that right now you are freaking out, you never thought I’d find out. But I KNOW! You know I KNOW too much! I know a lot, a lot of things you’d rather other people didn’t know. I am prepared to let everyone know what I know. But of course you know you could silence me. You know that with me, MONEY TALKS! You better hope you have enough to keep me quiet! Because I am not in a good mood. And when I am pissed like this all I want to do is have some rough sex! Rough sex with you wallet!

Don’t make me wait too long now!!!

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