Yee-haw y’all! I just have to write about a super sexy call I did yesterday thanks to a very kinky- minded man. Well hells bells he wanted to take this country girl on a little road trip to visit his friend. Little did I know just how much fun I was in for. He asked me “Ashton do you like horses?” And, of course, my reply was YES I love them aren’t they beautiful animals right. He said “Well you are gonna love this then because my friend has lot’s of horses and she wants to show them to you.” I was so excited on the drive there I just about creamed my panties but I decided to wait and save that for later. *giggles* We got the grand tour of the place and I was happy I had my cowgirl boots on because things got really wild. I always fuck best in my boots!
I looked at all the horses before I saw one that just made my jaw drop. What a beautiful stud he was and so HUGE. Needless to say I got down on my knees and had all kinds of wild and crazy farm fun but I better not tell you everything here you gotta call me so I can tell you all the dirty details.
This southern slut loves farm animal play and if you do too then your cock will get so hard when you hear my sexy southern twang talking taboo to ya. Mmmm I’m such a bad girl! haha Thanks for taking me on the most awesome road trip to the farm I hope we can play again really super soon.
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