My brother-in-law (sisters husband) is one hot dude! I have had the hots for him for a while but of course he never showed any interest and he is my sister’s husband so I have remained a good girl for since they got married a few years ago.
Until this morning!
I have to claim innocence though *grins*, he totally came on to me. He was here this morning fixing a leak around my bedroom window. He has always been my handyman, helping me out a lot. I have also always got drenched panties watching him work in those tight ass jeans and sexy ass tool belt he wears. Today was just like all the other days, me watching him with drenched panties. All of a sudden he turned around and looked at me sitting on the bed watching him and he growled at me “Grrrrrr I want to fuck you!”. I was stunned speechless, needless to say. He didn’t wait for an answer though, he tackled me on my bed and shoved his tongue down the back of my throat while groping my big tits. Something in my brain told me to push him away, to resist. However the voice deep inside my pussy was screaming even louder. My brother-in-law fucked the hell out of me this morning. I am sitting here with a hikky on my neck and a big creampie in my pussy.
I love a guy who gets a little rough with me and he certainly did that. We were wrestling while we were fucking, I am shocked I don’t have a black eye or something. Was super steamy and hot!
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