Author Archive for Marilee

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Follow Me, you know you want to!

I like to be followed, whether it be down the street by my possible rapist or down the hallway to my bedroom with my soon to be lover! I am into all kinds of kinky wild things! I love being the hot little slut or the sweet girl next door! I know I am sexy! I am confidant and that’s one thing that turns you on. You love looking at my pictures! You love listening to my voice! When you do a phone sex call with a hottie like me, all you can do is focus on not coming too soon! But really that’s not up to you! You can try all you want not to cum, but when I want you to cum, you will cum! You won’t be able to hold it in. You won’t be able to stop yourself! You are weak. You love my hot pictures, you love my pictures! And even though I can make you cum within minutes, you’ll still keep coming back for more. Because you want to win, you want to defeat me. You want to be the one who calls the shots!

Well call me and try! But I don’t think you’ll be able to control it, you will cum when I decide!

Peeping In My Window

I know you are watching. I can feel your eyes burning right through my window and into my bedroom. You watch every night. Every night since you saw me undress with the blinds open. You wonder how long I had been doing it before you noticed. You wonder if you are the only one who can see. You know you have the best view. Your room is directly across from mine. You even bought yourself a little telescope to help you see me better! You love to watch. You love to look! You’ve tried to stay away. But you can’t. Every night you wait until you hear my car. You run to your room and you wait. You know it won’t be long. You know my routine. You know that I change into something comfy within minutes of getting home. Sometimes when I make you wait too long you get nervous. But I never disappoint you. I am always there, it’s like clock work. Just as you are always there to watch me. I like having an audience. You don’t think I can see you, but I know you’re watching! I know you can see everything that I have to show you! It gets my pussy wet knowing I am being watched. I am just waiting. I keep waiting. I am waiting to see if you will ever do anything other than watch!

I am waiting for you to make the next move and come and knock on my door!

On The Hunt

I am a Huntress!

I hunt for my prey! And when I get my prey, I will feed on them until I am through. Do you think you have the power to stop me. Do you think you have the strength to resist me? Do you even really want to fight me? No, I don’t think that you do! Why would you want to? You know that you will have just as much, if not more, fun as me. You know that you want me. You need me. My beauty pulls you in, it attracts you to me. It’s like a magnet and the closer you get to me the harder it is for you to pull away! I pull you in with my beauty but my sex appeal makes it IMPOSSIBLE for you to pull away! So don’t try to fight it, don’t pull away when everything inside you is screaming at you to stay! Cum play with me, you know you want to.


I wanna be your girlfriend!

I know you get lonely! I know that it’s hard for you to talk to girls. You don’t think you’d have a chance to date a girl like me! Well I have news for you! I don’t date a guy who looks good, I date guys who treat me well! And one thing that I love about my job is the fact that I get to meet so many men from all over and I get the chance to play their girlfriend. I am the perfect little girlfriend for them! I don’t expect anything. I am willing to let you do whatever you want, whenever you want. I will always be here for you to listen to you and to help you when you get a little frustrated. And with me the sex is always good! With most things in life, with relationships, you get what you pay for!!! If you want a sexy girl to talk to you and treat you well, I will be that girl for you!

Cum to Marilee for the ULTIMATE Girlfriend Experience!

Spreading Christmas Cheer

I love this time of year because it gives me the chance to give back! Giving back to the less fortunate makes me feel really good! I always try to help out with giving something that I am really good at, and of course I am really good at sex! So I will spread my legs for the less fortunate. For all the guys who just aren’t hot enough or rich enough to score a sexy chick like me. For the month of December I give those poor guys a chance. I give some of them the blow jobs of their dreams. I mean how many of those guys do you think jack off thinking of a hot blonde looking up at them? Some of them I will fuck, especially the poor virgin boys! I love taking their virginity! That’s the best part of giving back!

I don’t just give back with spreading my legs! But I am willing to give back with Phone Sex as well! I will run a special until 12/16/10, if you Purchase a 20 minute call, you get 10 free minutes! That’s 30 minutes for $40.00. Hurry up and let me give back to you as well!

I’ve Been Bad Daddy!!!

Hey There Daddy! It’s your favorite little girl Marilee, ready to go at it again. I know at times I can be naughty, a little bit of a bad girl. And that’s when you have to put me over your knee and give me a spanking. I’m not sure you know this but sometimes I am bad on purpose. I will do things just so I can get a little attention from my favorite daddy! You already know how wet my pussy gets when you bend me over your knee. It turns me on when you spank me. When you punish me, well really it’s not much of a punishment. I love it when we do stuff together. So much so that I try to get caught doing all sorts of things that will make you mad. I always wait until we are alone though, so we can have our fun alone time. I know that while I am bent over your knee and you are spanking my bare ass, I know it turns you on. Your cock gets hard with every spank to my bare little ass and then you have to have me! Which I don’t mind one bit. Like I said, sometimes I want it. Like today, I want it. I want you daddy! Cum spank your naughty little girl!

Sweet Girl Next Door

I am the hot girl next door that you love to fuck! I am naughty and sweet all at the same time! I like to seduce you! Not that it’s very hard to seduce you. You always really deep down want it anyway! But I know you like to pretend that you’re not 100% for it, at first. You try to pretend that you’re not completely eager to fuck me. But really it’s kind of a joke! I know you want to fuck me! You need to fuck me! It’s everything that you think about. Your whole world revolves around being able to fuck me. When I walk in your door, your dick immediately gets hard. Just the smell of me turns you on. My presence in your house has you weak. You know all I have to do is touch you and you will give in to me. You have no strength when it comes to me. And we both know it. I love to tease you. I love to make you want me and only me! So what are you waiting for neighbor, call me and let’s play!

Spoil Me

You know I deserve nothing but the very best. I deserve to be lavished with gifts. I deserve to have money thrown at me just for looking the way that I do. I know you come to my page and you go straight to my blog to look at my latest pictures. I know you stare at them while you stroke your cock. You don’t call me though. You don’t show me how much you appreciate me for looking how I look. For sharing it with you. Maybe you are too shy to call but that doesn’t mean you can’t go to my page and spoil me. You can leave me tips and comments. You can shower me with all the things that you know I should have. I deserve to have all the extras and you should be giving them to me. So what are you waiting for? I am a Goddess! I am the sexiest Goddess you have ever set eyes on. Which I am not even sure you had permission to do, but none the less, you did. Now you should pay for it. You should show me how much you appreciate my kindness.

Girlfriend Experience

It’s so flattering when a guy tells me that he wants me to be his phone girlfriend. I love how easy it seems to be for a guy to fall head over heels in love with me. But we all know I am confidant so who in their right mind wouldn’t fall for me. I have some really great ASSets. My ass being the number one. I love my juicy ass. It’s my number one feature and I love to show it off. In the looks department I have it all covered. I am not lacking by any means. As for personality and voice. I am also fairly confidant in those departments. I know that I have a sexy voice. I sound young and sweet and can make guys eat out of the palm of my hand. And my personality is great to boot. I can be naughty or nice. I can be sweet and sexy. I can be innocent or a slutty vixen. I have what it takes to be the perfect phone girlfriend for you. So why don’t you give me a try. It’s the perfect time right now since I am feature girl and running specials check them out and call me.

10 Min- $16

20 Min- $30

35 Min- $55

65 Min- $99

Your It Girl

Hello there my sexy soon to be lovers!

I am Marilee, this weeks It Girl! Many of you out there are reading this right now and wondering if I am the right girl for you. Well of course I am, I am the girl of the week. This is the best time to try me out, I give you a discounted price and you get a hot sexy girl with a voice that will turn you on! So what is there for you to lose? I have it all and I can be the girl of your dreams! Whatever you are looking for, I do “it!” I love hot steamy role plays! I can get kinky and dirty with you! I love mutual masturbation! You want someone dominating and bossy, trust me I can be the biggest bitch around! But I also have a sweet side that will give you a cavity. I am the whole package! Whatever you want, I got “it!” So call me up! Hurry before the week is over! I know that once you call, you’ll keep coming back for more. Because what I have, you can’t resist “it!”