AJ’S Revenge

I can be a very revengeful girl especially when I don’t get my way! It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, you better watch out!

                     I caught my boyfriend with another girl. She was older too. You can’t even imagine how mad that made me. I mean who would want to cheat when they have me?

                    I knew he was with HER, so I knocked on his door in tears, fake tears, of course. His handsome daddy let me in. He saw my tears, and gave me a long, strong hug. I think daddy’s dick was hard. He sat down on the couch and asked me to sit with him. He dried my tears while I told him what his son did to me. 

                    Daddy got that look in his eyes and I knew it was game on! The problem is that he assumed I was on some sort of birth control. I’m not because it’s fun to live dangerously! Well, I might have some news for you, daddy! What do you think of my revenge? 



Written By: AJ
Call  AJ @ 1-866-935-9411
Email- teenaj4phone@gmail.com



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