Tag Archive for 'ab/dl’s'

Erotic weekend fantasys

I hope you naughty men out there have a very sexy weekend.  I will be here all evening in case you get lonely and care to share some time together.

I love talking to all my sissy boy’s and abies out there but there is also a time when I need to be with a well…a “real man”.  Shhhhhhh I better not say that to loud *tehe*

I love to watch a hungry man eat and the pleasure his man cock when he is finished.  Sometimes during actually,  I dated a guy who liked for me to suck him under the table at restaurants.  Was so hot to be so kinky in public.

What is your most erotic fantasy or fetish?  Think of it…and give me a call.  I would love to share mine too.

Triple XXX kisses,
