Get on your knees, faggot! Just look at that beautiful, big cock before you. You don’t even know where to begin with something so large. You’ve sucked cock before but nothing this substantial, you’re playing with the big boys now. The question is, can you handle this, or do I have to teach my cock slut how to perform? Personally, I don’t think you can take on this massive 13 inch cock. I’ve seen you suck 6-8 inches and you could barely handle that without gaging.
Perhaps, I am setting you up for failure? I want you to show and prove to your Mistress you can do this for her. I don’t like being disappointed, and once I am upset, I dish out severe punishments.
Look at his thick mushroom head just about to enter your mouth. Your time is now! Do it, slut! Prove me wrong or suffer the consequences.
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