New Years

I hate resolutions.  I think they are stupid, useless and are meant to be broken.  When they are, and inevitably every resolution is broken, it just makes you depressed and you go into a deeper funk than before.  It is bullshit and I don’t like them.  Yet, like many others, I still fall into the trap of optimism and resolve to do something.  Well, I did this year.  It is kinda personal but I will let you all know.  I want to please as many men as I can in one day, I want to have a one day huge fuckfest.  I am talking sucking cock, handjobs, my pussy being pounded and my ass as well.  If I can get a cock in between my tits while all this is going on, that is even more exciting.  Problem is, apparently men don’t want to play with me….at first, I thought it was me and my resolution was broken because I couldn’t fuck and I started to get depressed.  But I got an idea, I want to amend my resolution and do either this, fuck at least 10 men over the phone in a day or phone fuck a man for 3 hours.  OMG that would be so hot.   I am changing my resolution, why don’t you help me fulfill it so I have something inside me that I can hold on to?

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