So, I like big, monstrous dicks; what girl doesn’t? I need a hard rod to stuff my pussy nice and good. My fav is to be on top and the longer the cock is, the more I can pump my pussy up and down on it. I really like to slide up on a long cock while clinching my pussy muscles tightly and then when I can feel your head almost slipping out, I pound my wet pussy down and get it really deep inside me. Then I get a lil outta control and ride your cock as hard as I can and eventually squirt all over.
So you see, little dicks won’t do me any good and I don’t even want to swim in the “little dickie pond”, because I know I won’t be satisfied.
When I’m on top and in charge, that’s how I like to do it when I’m fucking Memphis style. Fuck yeah!
The One and Only,
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