Traveling with Daddy

Daddy and I are visiting his family the weekend before Thanksgiving. It is a long ride and my Aunt’s house is crowded, so we stay at a hotel for the weekend. I get to swim in the pool at the hotel and Daddy doesn’t get overwhelmed with his relatives. Mommy isn’t with us. She doesn’t like Daddy’s sister.

The hotel made a mistake or maybe Daddy did. There were not two beds in our hotel room, but only one really big bed. I like snuggling with Daddy on the sofa at home when we watch movies together. He keeps me warm. It will be fun to sleep with Daddy.

I made a mistake too. I forgot to pack my toothbrush and my pajamas. The hotel gave me a new toothbrush and Daddy said I could sleep in one of his t-shirts. After hanging out at the house, I swim at the hotel. It is fun to wear my bikini in November. Daddy has a big smile on his face watching me play in the water. After my swim, I take a hot shower, put on Daddy’s shirt and crawl into bed next to Daddy.

In the middle of the night, I get really hot so I take off the shirt and then snuggle back into the bed. Daddy wakes up from all my moving around in our bed. He sees that I am naked.  He pulls me super close to him and rubs my chest and kisses me. Daddy makes me feel so good!

Love you! My big special sexy Daddy!!!

I like traveling with Daddy without Mommy!



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