A Team Effort

I’m happy to say that Knocked Up Bobby Sue is officially knocked up again! I had my newest baby girl a few months ago and I was really starting to get worried when I couldn’t seem to get pregnant again. I decided that a good old fashioned pregnancy party was in order. I called every John I had in my little black book and told them that I needed help— quick! I was sitting in my trailer waiting, and I heard them all pulling up. When I opened the door, there were 40 men waiting to fuck the hell out of my sweet pussy! I went straight to my bedroom, took off all my clothes, laid on my back and spread my legs. The line was so long that it went out the front door and into the yard! I knew my guys would pull through. Each one gave me a hard pounding and a pussy full of cum. By the end of the night, my cunt was sore, but it was so creamy. I took a pregnancy test a couple of weeks later and could barely contain my excitement. Who knows, I got so much cock and cum that night, I may have twins 😉

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